বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৩৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

হীক - o, cleansed, cleared. fos, beauty, splendour, light. feafs, ray or beam of light. Q || o, a bricklayer, a mason; the bottom. - assosal, the trade of a bricklayer. oszt, a bunch, eluster, tuft. Qoso, being startled; standing still with fear or surprise. oszt, a row, rank, layer, stratum. *(T, shivering, palpitation. assol, as it, a bag, sack, pouch. oil, a bunch, cluster, tuit. orza fāzi, dangling, pendent. assists, a receiver of stolen goods. asso, river-bottom, layer, shelf; asso, interval, layer, pause. [sect. asso, staying, abiding, dwelling. asso, a piece, a sheet. ostol, apolice-station, watch-house. olivio, assol, a slap, pat. [ing. artz giz, slapping, patting; flattenassol, a slap; the hand, a paw. arts, a pillar, post, stake. «TSIzi,subsiding, abating,desisting. assos, a brass dish or tray. atzīt, an earthenormetallie vessel. *Too, kneading, treading, ram ming down. forza, settling, subsiding. 8i, *|3, 8Is|, spittle, saliva ; fye ! 127 o, spitting, expectoration. o « :f, the chin. or, falling on the face. *Io, an old bachelor *I*T, costol, a tuft, cluster, lunch. *Iosa, chopping, hacking, mincing. gojzzata, battering, hammering out, flattening. foot, a bag, sack, purse. [heap. Cosso, a collection, aggregate; a Cosso asso, by heaps, in lumps. Cosso, the spathe of a plantain tree, the ear of corn or grass before it shoots from the stock. Colson, covering, a cover. goss;1, a few, a little. Cossosos, plumpy, swollen with the spathe or ear before it shoots up. cost&so, nonplussing, flustering & Tosol, a cluster, a bunch; the face; the mouth. &T&T, a bunch, cluster, tassel. Cossoirs, placing, setting down. 阮 ##, curdled milk, curds. [fly. Woof, a tooth, sting; bite; a gad****, a gad-fly. ***s-, biting, stinging. Woozy, a buffalo. Wo, a tooth, sang, sting. Woo, a tusk, large tooth. HAFt, having large teeth ; biting, stinging; a snake; a boar. Woo, water.