বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৩৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

দণ্ড o, dexterous, clever, able. wi*f*í], a vulture. Ffool, right (side); the south; frank, candid. ofol, a fee, present. [sun. wf*«T*=, south declehsion of the *f*ciTZIETÉg¤, tropic ofCapricorn. দক্ষিণের্মা, দক্ষিণারু, a stag wound ed in the chase. Wo, burnt, scorched. F2H), unlucky (days.) [paddy. FÍ3āzē, parched rice, khoi or fried WGGT5, wicked, oppressive. WF, firm, stiff, hard, not brittle. 751, a long thick rope. Tji, a string, cord, twine. 7s, a stick, sceptre; an oar; punnishment; a division of time equal to 24 minutes. Wooto, the common black crow of Bengal. 737s51, one who punishes. 7°3′s, the king. দঙনায়ক, a sheriff. Wolf, the penal code. ETT, punishable. Woosioi, a porter, door-keeper. W34s, like a staff; prostration. Wosztát, a porter, a door-keeper. Fez1=Iff, anelephant. R*3#sẽsg, churning-stick. Foos, a potter. [demnation. (833, a judicial sentence of con 128 页巫了 Ross, standing still, standing. Wessors.T., standing erect. Fossess, condition of an ascetic. of 3:51, a necklace. 73), worthy of punishment; 7s, a tooth. [punishable. 73 given, bestowed, given away; one of the subdivisions of Kaesta or the writer caste among the Hindus. TēGo E, an adopted son. 731, a female given in marriage. FēTTI, self-given; one who having presented himself to a person and claiming his protection is adopted by him as a son. ofs, gift, giving. 775, distribution. Wy, Wyszy, wyj, a mingworm, tetter. off, curdled milk, curds. wfoo!, a monkey. Woo, impudent, shameless. Rīgā, a demon, evil spirit. Wo, a tooth, tusk, fang. Woof, a mountain-peak. Wąż7, the lips. 75°31, the gums. 7 of Tā, an elephant. দন্তীয়ুৰ, a hog. T=Tfāzē, FETzīt, the bit of a bridle. Wot, tusked; an elephant. Woos, having prominent teeth. HEJ, dental,