বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৭২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পরি oratsjië, adjudged. ofosso, devoted to; a votary. of Tif, the year before last. o *IAT:Foo, a stone. offstof, for the sake of others. পরান্ধ, the highest of all numbers.

  • fataj, superior, excellent. of six, dependent, a parasite. ofossin, killing, destroying. পরসূি, dead. পরাস্কন্দী, a thief *[[Tö, defeated, vanquished. *I*T*, the next day. of osso, afternoon.

off-, a prefix implying entireness. ofor, a bed, retinue, family. vifosis, decoration of the person. *ifggeral,contrivance, stratagem.

  • ifosfeo, a devotee. *ifosts, extended, spread.
  • iforđa, mentioning, eulogizing. *ifox, walking for pleasure, play.

visio, complete decay, ruin. vifstori, a moat, ditch, trench. *°ifğt*[7, trouble, toil. offioso, understood,sought, gained. *ifoto, accepted, acknowledged. পরিগৃহ্যা, 3, WOIslash. *isolo, accepting, assenting. offizi, a bludgeon, pike; a glass.

  • >[fğt&q, a thunder-clap.

of 53, acquaintance, introduction. offs:sil, service, attendance. 164 পরি of Stojas, one who introduces. of Sforzo, a servant, attendant. of Staff, worthy to be served. *iffs's, acquainted with, known. onfoW, clothing, a garment. offstoß, clothed, covered, arrayed. riffsofa, a partition, boundary.

  • iffo, bounded, defined, clear. officio, a limit, section, division. off Sir, one of the household. offgas, the moon. *iforn, complete idea, conviction. *if ato, giving a clear idea,

conviction. vif#e3, bent down, ripe, changed. off afé, a bowing down, change. wifax, marriage. [sult. *ifoss, ripeness, change, final re*fasswort, using foresight, pru dent. - wifats, width, circumference. wifáts, married. of Cool, the husband. «İfzT&3, on all sides, by every IOleanS. zifoto, great heat, anguish. পরিতুষ্ট, satisfied, contented. offices, satisfaction, joy. °ifà3Jf؟i, forsaking, desertion. off osso), fit to be relinquished. পরিত্রাণ, complete deliverance. wifasol, a saviour, deliverer. wifo-fos, a comprehensive view.