বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৭৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পরি offata, exchange, barter. ofagaoal, reflection, regret, re pentance. of gro, putting on; dress. off atois, clothing, causing to dress. of sizra, running after; reflection. offizio, clothing; the rump of an offe, a circumference, disk. officzzi, that may be put around. offgosz, fully ripe or cooked. oforo, stock in trade, capital. পরিপন্থী, an enemy, antagonist. of Toro. ripeness, mellowness. offizito, order, method; elegant. offizitär, observing, nourishing. পরিপিটক, lead. পরিপূত, pure, clear. of jo, filled, fulfilled, complete. officz fo, perspective. of 2F77, moveable, changeable, fiekle, inconstant. পরিপলুত, liquor, wine. *fázrgis, abandoming, shunning. ofazī, turn, stead, exchange. of ago, changing, requiting. ofaat, a substitute, successor. oforo, instead, in exchange. oforo, clothing, covering. পরিবসথ, a village. ofoto, accusation, slander. ofoil, an accuser, slanderer. 165 পরি offortz, household; relatives. of sofa, unmarried elder brother. of fo, surrounded, covered over. offroy, lord, master. *ifo, attended; married. offorgo, one who marries before his elder brother. [repentance. officzwal, prudence, caution; pain, of CA“, disk, circumference. *ifáczosa, serving out food. officzāj-, surrounding, fencing. offiziâ1, one who serves out food. *fāzrgiji, devout austerities, reli gious mortification. পরিব্রাজক, রিব্রাটু, a pilgrim, a religious mendicant. off ga, defeat; disrespect. [with. off osts, addressing, agreeing «iffəTaı,technicalterms; discourse. পরিভূত, despised; defeated. offrets, enjoyment of anything. ofola, wandering, roving about. of 35, corrupted, quite spoiled. of so, a wanderer, mendicant. offssoi, a circle, sphere, orbit. offsso, perfume, scent. of stol, measure, weighing, size. পরিমাণফল, area. ofosso, a measurer or weigher. offgs vis, causing to measure. offstoß, susceptible of correction. *iffs, measured, moderate. off:ffs, measure.