বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৭৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

<f台1 orţsi, eitsrp, a turban. oftoff, mad, insane, a madman. ofton, perceiving, forming an idea. offwl, rock-salt. offari-mại, tawny, earth-coloured. oftszo, a cook; digestive. *if5-gi, the itch. *Issa, cooking; digestion. •ftw, the back, posteriors. *Toto, winnowing, tripping up. *TZI, the rump, posteriors. PTETTE, wrestling.

  • Tā, behind.

পাছুড়ী, a thick wrapper. পাছে, behind, after ; lest. off Gil, a brick-kiln. *ITSR, whetted, sharpened. ostol, low, base, mean, vile. *To so], Vishnu's conch. otoscofas, of five elements. পাঞ্চলিক, a doll. osio, a folding, board, altar; silk. oisotoros, a thief. *ison, a town, mart, seaport. offGzīt, a ferryman.

  • ist stol, falling on knives, &c.

at gazun or a festival in honor of Siva. পাট রাণী, a king's chief wife. ossos, a pink colour, kind of rice. *sūsā, the trumpet-flower. *ifūz, cleverness, expertness.

  • sūif, a bailiff, collector of rent.

160 পাণি পাটিকেল, a brick. orio, kind of mat ; a plate of iron or other metal; one of a pair. পাটীগণিত, arithmetic. *Tot, a kind of large boat. *ifyi, a lease; a wrestler. offo, reading, study, a lesson. offo, a reader, a student. erfðTF3T, order of study. পাঠগুরু, al schoolmaster, tutor. witHR1, teaching to read, tuition. *Tostã1, a school, seminary. *ITTF, sending, delegating, dispatching. [addressing a person. *Totoss, right or wrong mode of *Toj, worth reading, legible. *TF, a steep bank; a beam laid on pillarsto supportother beams. ofton, letting fall, laying down of a carpet or mat on the floor; plucking. *Tol, a quarter of a town, hamlet. orgisi, a hamlet, small village. ofsgrog it, a neighbour. *Tät, crossing a river; beam laid on pillarsto supportotherbeams; the border of cloth. offs, betel-leaf. *Isa'ss, a writing of betrothal. *Issa, the hand; a shop. orsfooroo, marrying. *Isfoto, married. [grammarian. *isfaff, a celebrated Sanskrit