বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৭৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পাতি oftfozo, the nails. witsorgs, a kind of conch, ostfossi, a cord, a rope. witcozord, marriage. zitesa, a descendant of Pándu. witsos, pale or yellowish white. wife, priest of the idol Juggernath. oftfor, scholarship, learning. vitę, yellowish white; jaundice. পাণ্ডুক, পাণ্ডুরোগ, the jaundice. offsfäfor, a rough draft. vita), worthy of praise. ofts, a fall; a leaf, a note. otza, guilt, sin; cause of fall. offsfe, bedding; fit to spread. «»ff-sf®z[1, mattress, bedding. *Toga, the Yoga system, being one of the six schools of philosophy, it was founded by the sage Patunjul. ofroy, rough sketch ; rations. ofton, spreading out, laying flat. *Tool, beginning, preamble. offSZT, stone. ofoil, thin, lean, fine, slender. oft El, a lid ; leaf, sheet, blade; a offstei, web-footed. [protector. *Totá, the infernal region. offstätsät, a fountain, spring. otifs, diminutive, little. offÐ SJ, a fallen condition ; sin. *1fo), chastity, fidelity to the husband. 170 পাদ! oftforsog, a crown for the bride on the day of marriage. পাতিশিয়াল, a fox. offiti, a duck, drake. zität, a note, letter, writing. origos, a precipice; tending to fall. পাংকুয়া, a well. ziTā, avessel, receptacle; a bridegroom; a minister, a counsellor. visis, lean, thin. »TTS, fitness, worthiness. otos, sun; fire; water. oftops, a stone, rock. vitot, stone or gravel. zito, water. witco, requisites for travelling. oftcotti, the lotus. oftcotto, a cloud. witcotifs, the ocean, sea. witz, a foot; a quarter. oftwaffo, elephantiasis. - •fIT?##t, cringing, íawning. oftwala, a shoe, sandal. *Twoi, a tree. vitnost, a footstool. zitäfa., a wayfarer, a passenger. visā fāzēl, a boot, shoe, slipper. *Twford, stepping, walking, proceeding. oiTTstoft, a boot, shoe, slipper. পাদশৈল, a hillock. official, obsequious attendance. witHTo, a footprint, track.