বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৭৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পাব vitatso, infantry. oftware, humbled to the feet. estwiza, stamping with the foot. onatoss, setting foot, stepping. পাদুকা, a shoe, slipper. পাদুকৃৎ, a shoe-maker. oftoning, water in which the feet have been washed. oftw), water for washing the feet. of so, drinking. ostavitz, a drinking-vessel. visassis, drunk, intoxicated. virajit, a small covered boat. *ital, sherbet ; a particular plant which floats on water, (salvinia cucullata.) offrtz, drinkable; water. witätortifazol, a watering-place. *Total, watery, diluted, insipid. orica, towards, in the direction of. *ital, stale food; not fresh, tainted. ostrą, a traveller, a passer by. *sūl, first meal after fasting. oison, watery, diluted, insipid. vitoj, sin, crime. otoss, unlucky planet, ill luck. পাপভাক, a sinner. পাপরোগ, small-pox. oftoffo, hunting. ostostos, sinful, wicked. ostfoss, a sinner, a rascal. oiToisn, sin, wiekedness. 171

  • To, a joint, knot of a reed,

পার orizos, fire; cleansing, purifying. osts, oftwa, eruption, itch, ring WOI Ոl. oftwa, base, mean, silly, wicked. ossosal, a pigeon. [nenty. offTH, sweetened rice-milk, fruofton, table-leg; stem; situation. ositizo, infantry. •ITZI, the anus. পাৰ্য্য, water; blamable. *ita, across; the opposite side. *Tao, able, capable, clever. ossos, surmounting ; efficient. ofs: Si, gold. virg Eiffērzs, an adulterer. ofto, stone. witzrol, being able; also see *ists. *{{E, mercury. osta 5vso, within one's power. ostol, dependence, subserviency. virafazo, relating to another world. sĩĩg 7, quicksilver; extricating. vitTF-ff, far-seeing, skilful. zirgintfāzē, adulterous, anadulterer. offgotss, adultery.[another place. *Tatwo), residing temporarily in visassiffs, spiritual, excellent. ofrg-orff, tradition; successional. virgo, a pigeon. *Tataifa, of another world. o Taoz, brahman's son by a suপার শ্বধ, an axe- [dramee. oflázsfog, armed with an axe.