বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৮৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পুত্রী &ford, chapter, subjectofatreatise. atzīst, a compound, an enclosure. Sages, excellence, superiority. atzoffs, surplus proceeds of a pledge beyond the interest on the money advanced. &zoss, lofty, stout, gigantic, strong. &#351-83s, a tree. 2tosis, sufficient, enough. &joso, sort, kind, manner, mode. azos; Toi, another way or method. &{FİFİ, a long time; noted time. aizotot, opening out, disclosing. SõT*TR, manifesting, disclosing, shining. 2 off-Romanifested, public; blown. &otoss, fit for publication, public. &otá, a section; spread, diffused. &otso, extent, length; tail of the Thibetoxusedasafan;adecision. &zotēn, mentioning, declaring. &ios, a large body. &o, real, veritable, genuine. &13, right, proper, genuine. &Isoto, just, righteous, honest. 2 of, original and unformed matter; nature. alofio, effected by nature. প্রকৃষ্ট, good, excellent, superior. & Co, the fore arm; door-frame. 2.Éol, one who begins a thing. &io, attempt, beginning. zālē, attempted, begun. 180 [5 2fool, administering remedies. affo, satisfied, gratified. &losso, that which exhales. &ion, a washing, cleansing. &ifo, thrown, cast, projected. 2C-52s, cast; share in joint stock. &tors, pungent, acute, acrid, keen; a dog, a mule. &otsto, celebrated, notorious. &iss's, part of the arm from the shoulder to the elbow. &josë, diverging, gibbous. SSIFIE, pompous, impudent. S5FFE1, a wanton, a termagant, asso, firm, strong profound; &isis51, a good singer. [difficult. 284, honest, upright, sincere. &ICss, morning. [rein. asso, string suspending a balance; aito, a lattice, window; railing. SZIR, a parapet, a railing. STTS, combat, battle, conflict. 21535, troops when marching. 25ts, furious, violent; powerful, 253, all, whole, entire. [bold. *153, road, way. 215: Vivi, current, common, rife. 25&in, activity; currency. প্রচলাকী, a peacock. 25so, having obtained currency. 215s, publishing, proclaiming. 2:53, plentiful, abundant, much. প্রচেতা, a charioteer.