বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৮৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

| 2.5oso, a horse. 2C51so, sent, dispatched. so, an interrogator, inquirer. &ow, a covering. £fool, an invitation. 2f&#, covered, disguised, secret. প্রচ্ছদিক, প্রচ্ছদিবণ, a vomiting, belching. 2 saforo, a covering, a screen, con cealment. 8ts, lord, master, husband. Siga, great force, impetuosity. & Sof, a story. assil, offspring, subject, ryot. ostol, a mother. oisoto, silver. প্রজাপ, প্রজাপতি, a butterfly ; a king. [blazing. ago, taking fire, burning, afsir, air, atmosphere. 2R35, sensible, well-informed, wise. at af«i, an assignation, a hint. a 31, sense, understanding. o, lame, limping. ason a blazing up. ***, prostrate, humble, lowly. gafa, obeisance, prostration. Sezs, the mystic syllable Om. &aos, friendly feeling, affection. &ion, composing, preparing. £fais, bowing, salutation. etarist, a present as a token ofre spect. 181 পতি - 2-fos, reluctant; want of desire. 2fatfool, a tube, pipe, vein. 2-tit, a series, a water-course. *T*s, destruction, ruin, loss. afoota, attention, regard, stress. affo, a request; place; spy. 2 foi otrz, obeisance, prostration. &#ff z, consigned, deposited. state, consecrated fire; cooked, composed, made. o, applauded, praised. o, shaking, quaking. <Roz, amiable, agreeable, docile; an object of affection. aso, an extension, expanse. 2:57, old, ancient. 2 SH, fine, thin. 2 Ezért, a debate, discussion. | 8 slap. প্রতানিনী, а сreeper. 2 stoi, splendour, dignity, ardour. 25tzro, a deceiver, cheat, rogue. 2 orgal, deception, deceit, fraud. 21so, every, each; back, again, to. 2 foots, a preventive, a remedy; a return. ofotor, similar, equal. প্রতিকুল, contrary, adverse, hostile. প্রতিকৃষ্ট, bad, evil, vile. 2f&#5s, always, every moment. atfows, a protector, a preserver. affèso, dismissed, dispatched. 2tfoston, returning, going back.