বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৯০

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পতি ofoto, promised, engaged. aforo, receiving, accepting; a spitting-pot, spittoon. also, acceptance; consent. &foot, anger, rage. 2fforts, a blow in return. Sfēzi, body, image. sistēEg=F, an image. প্রতিচ্ছায়া, shadow, reflected image. &fow, opposition, traversing. asoggs, forepart of the thigh. &ifèfşsq1, the uvula, epiglottis. afoil, promise, agreement. 2 foss, promised, declared. oisofo, a promise. afoto, a written promise. aféâtzin, causing to declare. &footát, a key, picklock. প্রতিদর্শন, a look in return. Sfē7T, agiving back,recompense. &fforzso, war, battle, conflict. &ioso, every day, daily. affèstor, every direction. & soof, an echo, reverberation. প্রতিনন্দন, praise. eff=Regl, a son’s grandson. প্রতিনব, new. পুতিনাদ, an echo. &isoff, a representative, deputy. &forus, a mutual deposit. afoorwā, an enemy, opponent. afoors, the first day of the moon's increase or wane. 182 পতি (tسيه 2 storfā, success; ascendancy. atfoors, effected, demonstrated; honoured, reverenced. &#fĜ•İTWą, perception; signifying, treating of. 2fèofIU, ascertainable,obtainable. asovisão, supporter, maintainer, keeper. asovisão, keeping, maintaining. প্রতিপুয়াণ, returning. afézi Hz, cancelling a prohibition. 2ţfÐ EFFI, retribution, recompense. ason, answer, reply, echo. প্রতিবন্ধক, obstacle, impediment. afo, of equal power, adequate. &folář, afoxson, answer, reply, response. affizTw, answer, remonstrance. afoxià, opponent, respondent. প্রতিবাসর, daily. asoztát, a neighbour. fêfossa, a remedy, a preventive. af&ß*, a reflected image. &ifffo, reflected, typified. 2f&Czost, a neighbour. afogoso, opposite motion, idea. oiso, isocoso, opposing force. &fool, a reflected light; understanding, presence of mind; energy. afoss, answer, reply, defence. Sfērā, security, surety, bail. প্রতিম, similar, like.