বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৯৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

effortsal, encouragement, excite*†Cosso, a sprout. [ment. o, universal dissolution. zsāIzi, randomtalk, delirious talk. erotoforst, talking deliriously. ac* *t, plaster, salve ; smearing. artziora, smearing, plastering, daubing. 2C-T’s, covetousness; a desire. 2*t^Hz, praising, extolling, laud ing. etsia zistą, praiseworthy, laudable. &f=f^*s, praise, commendation. **ts, rest, peace. *Toso, destruction, slaughter; appeasement. *Ig, wide, roomy; praised, right. 2{*rt*, tranquillity, calmness. প্রশাসিত > প্রশাস্তা , governor, ruler. SigĀ, pure, true, right. &lo, a question, enquiry. প্রশনদুর্তী, a riddle, enigma. 2so, undue indulgence, fondness. &rossos, breathing, respiration. zo, an interrogator, enquirer. 251, a page of a book. প্রস্থ, an elder, senior. ॐc$ोशी, a woman who has con ceived for the first time. 2 HGF, fond or enamoured of. 2frif&, fondness ; a topic, theme. &f**, discomrsing ; conmection. &zioioso, converse, discussion. 187 প্ৰসূ 2țHfG, graciousness, clearness. arost, fame, renown. zoo, pleased, favourable, cheerful. **Cool, spirituous liquor. ziriz, giving birth, parturition. 2 riffit, mother. 2triz J, opposed, enimical. প্রসভ, violent, sudden. 2far, dimension, extent, width. 2foss, surrounding an enemy. & Hoa, noxious beast; bearing. &#&I, suddenly, abruptly, forcibly. 2517, favour; the remnant of food offered to a god or to a superior. of Histo, favoured, well treated. 2[Asso, decoration, embellishing. 2[Affo, ornamented, embellished. &f=ssor, extent, dimensions, size. 2trissa, extension, expanding. affo, pus; attached to, fond of. 2ffho, noted, celebrated, evident. affif, publicity, celebrity. oios, asleep. 2to, amother; a spreading creeper. 2 ol, a mare. a:, born, brought forth. asso, offo, confined, lying-in. 헌ofo, mother, offspring. assos, pain, distress. 2:57, a blossom, bud; fruit. 2 Tol, the thigh. a’so, the palm of the hand.