বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/১৯৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পহি & Co, leaking, oozing. &oisol, a small garden. &son, purging, evacuation. S EZT, a stone; a nosegay. & Sofo, a discourse; a topic, theme. & Rosszú, introduction, prologue. assists, mentioned, narrated. &fgfg, affûg, a bed of leaves. &R35, prepared, ready, prompt. &to, width; a set, suit; table-land. &fn, departure, setting off. &loton, dispatching, sending. &lfo, gone, departed, set off. o, leaking or oozing out. ao, blown, exploded. & Cofiño, winnowing; expansion. SEITs, leaking, oozing; a spring. &TA, urine; making water. &iqs, a loud sound. SCHT, copious perspiration. SERR, killing, smiting. a soft, the moon. 2tos, quarter of the day or night. &iosa, a weapon; beating, fight. &f=ft, awatchman, sentry,sentinel. at:1, a smiter, slayer, murderer. sহষ, joy, gladness, hilarity. &foot, turmeric; a metre. STHz, ridicule, raillery. SETZT, a beating, flogging. SETT, beater, smiter, killer. &###, an actor; loud laugh. affo, a well. 188 পুজি 2fo, shot out, sent; suitable. &foto, left, deserted. 2to, beaten, struck, wounded. atop, glad, gratified, happy. &{GFfĦEl, ariddle, enigma, puzzle. 2=īffē, joy, gladness. o, humble, lowly. 2Tog, high, tall, lofty; height. SffAF, prior, former; eastern. &isosos, enclosure, wall, rampart. &lso, common, vulgar, plebeian. &ltos, olden time; a crisis. &ison, destiny, fate, luck. &lso, the jack fruit. 2Torss, pungency, acuteness. 215 Esq., previous existence. zif6Et3r, the summit of a moun 2fsfēIEJ, pomposity, grandeur. <ifII, chiei, principal. প্রাঘাত, war, fight. প্রাঘার, leaking out. & Told, a guest, visitor. প্রাঙ্গণ, a court-yard, compound. & Rossos, former trial of a cause. 2Tsot, facing eastward. &tif5z51, gadfly. affit, the east, eastern. 215ts, old, ancient, antique, aged. 2tista, a wall, inclosure, fence. attoos, abundance, plenty. & Rio, a charioteer; a religious rite. &Tüß, a whip, a rod.