বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২০৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

বড় -> zszi, grumbling, quarrelling. zool, a house-boat, small pinnace. org, a thunderbolt; a diamond. বজ্রনিকেপষ, a thunder-stroke. বজ্ৰনিম্বন, the rolling of thunder. ***, a deceiver, rogue; jackal. zool, deceit, fraud, imposition. FFT, a milch cow. zī5, Indian fig-tree; one cowry. o, a cock; cunning, crasty. züToso, a string, a rope. zutosto, a motorious thief. aff, the uvula. asso, a pill, bolus, ball. zform, a small oar, paddle. zo, a rope, bead, rosary. বটু, a brahman, a priest. zcü, truly, indeed, it is true. zīGGIgri, banter, irony, jibe. zxzt, ignorant ; deceitful. o, great, large; greatly, very. zon, a mare; female slave. বড়বানল, বড়বামুখ, submarine fire. বড়বাভূত, the gallant of a slave-girl. zoos, misfortune, calamity. oil, a spear, javelin, harpoon. z grm, a fishhook. o, a kind of cake fried in oil. zçT#, vaunting, boasting, pride. ason, a pawn at chéss. ofoot, a fishhook. ot, a pill, bolus, bell. ಇಳ್ದ ಖು. officiating brahman. o 2 195 বধু o, great, large. TETFTz, muttering, grumbling. zoo, a carpenter. [banker. afo, afasi, merchant, trader, বণিগৃষ্ণু the indigo-plant. *fora, a camel. zoa, distributing, sharing out. zo, unmarried. zog,a palm-shoot,bambu-sheath. Zss, cropped, docked, castrated. ass, a termination meaning like. asso, a young animal; a calf. as Host, a steer, a heifer. *Is Hos, a year, a twelvemonth. zsszīzī, fond, affectionate, kind. বৎসাদন, a wolf. o, a speaker. zāã, the face, visage; speaking. zost, the jujube plant or fruit. #7ĩ-U, munificent, liberal. zoo, shut, closed, tied, bound. zrāfhoi, gāorffs, close-fisted. zoo, firmly rooted, well-groundzoolos, the Delta of a river. [ed. zo, murder, killing, slaughter. Z Tā, a weapon. zo[Wo, capital punishment. zoats, zoos, worthy of death. zosso, a prison. z«TÉ, fit to be destroyed. z fogas, murderous; murderer. zfor, deaf. o, daughter-in-law, a wife.