বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২০৪

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

বন্ধ zîzîÏ×Ïîãî, a jailor. zrzs, lead. বন, forest, wood, thicket; water. 3-53s, living in the wood; sylvan. zsoči, born in a wood; wild. zow, a cloud. [Indian cuckoo. ofo, fond of the wilderness, the axatit, living in a forest, a hermit. zosso, the orang-outang. - artsstät, a name of Krishna. Zoo, a cloud. [deer. zoo, fixed in a wood; ascetic ; a zoo’if, a tree yielding fruit with out apparent flowers. zotos, a rabbit. বনান, making, manufacturing. zoos, a gardener. zoos, intimacy, friendship, love. zfEl, a wife, a woman. zrấtzi, a beggar. বনেচর, see বনচর. atozoa, a hermit, forester, ape. zcatzoto, an ape. zoo, a mound; an embankment. z R-1, obeisance; invocation. zsvāt, venerable, worshipul. zoos, emporium, harbour, port. zāt, captive, prisoner; flatterer, zzätzûtg, a pilferer. [panegyrist. zototo, a prisoner, captive. বন্দুক, a musket. zo, a belt, bandage; shut. Zoo, pledge, mortgage, pawn. 196 বয় zsän, binding; a tie; a bond. oit, a bandage, ligament, rope. zoo, salary, wages, stipend. FFt, a prisoner, captive; im prisoned. Zoi, a friend, a kinsman. zool, Too, friendship, intimacy. বন্ধুর, rough, uneven, shaggy. zäši, a bastard, adulterine. zsāJ,unproductive, unfruitful(tree). zo]], a barren woman. z-U, of a forest, wild, sylvan. z RJ1, a flood, inundation, deluge. *E, a partner, a sharer. zzio, sowing, planting, weaving. zvrst, the shop of a barber. oil, fat, marrow; sowing; a hole. zofossi, father. **3, the body. zool, a sower, planter; father. ಪಿ, ೩ wall. zot, a white-ant; field. বভ, a large kind of weasel. ofo, thunder. zès, fire; large. FSTA, vomiting, retching. aft, vomit; an emetic. zoët, vomiting, spouting out. Zoo, age (attained); a bird. 33:55, peood of life, age. *:::13, grown up, of age, adult. o, of a certain age. zoo, prime of life, youth.