বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২০৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

বর ors, of the same age, coeval; a companion. [strong. * Isos, a buffalo ; air, the wind ; o, understanding, knowledge. zoos, gift, boon; bridegroom; great. o, zoos, rather, in preference. zgsfl, a rafter, beam. z grē, a betel-plantation. zoo, a gander; a barbarian, wasp. o, promising in marriage, ap pointing a representative. o sigsoil, a basket containing offerings to a god on occasion of marriage, &c. [phant. ##s, a seat on the back of an elez zrā, propitious, favourable. zszfoĪTG, a bridegroom ; betrothed. outfit, attendant of a bridegroom. zoso a hornet, a wasp. zoosoil, a harpoon, spear, fishhook. osso, showering, raining; giving lavishly. zz tij, zzrtisas, a cowry-shell, rope. zososos, a diamond. zzTsoi, a coarse cloth. ofo, a boar, hog, pig. zfest, fish-hook. zsäso, showering down, raining. ofs, the rainy season. afāş, the best of all, greatest. zool, Varuna, god of the waters; où, a sheet. La tree. <TFs, a coat of mail. 10 o বক o zofor, an army. *Cossos, a wasp ; a goose. or, a young beast, a goat. zossă, a side glance; beams of the morning sun. zCoss), excellent, pre-eminent. zoof, a class, the totality; a square number. বগা Hoi, the square root. zoff, belonging to a class. zség, filth, ordure. a 54t, the moon; ardent. z Gēzt, abandoming, excepting. z[fg #5, rejected, having rejected. zá, colour; caste; a letter; unguents. [panegyrist. zoos, pigment, paint, colouring; zela, describing, delineating. ze={1, description, eulogium. zostal, the alphabet. বণমাতl, a pen. zssor, of mixed blood, mongrel. z-fi, water. zāsū, a singer, painter, actor. Ross, gold. zot, a painter, a writer; of a tribe. zoo R, coming into existence; zost, a road. [maintenance. zęsto, present, extant, existing. zfé, zfool, a wick, candle, lamp. zigzo,a paintbrnsh; a candle, wick. z àt, being, existing, standing. বকুল, a circle, ball, globe, sphere,