বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২২৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

বেচ gfo, growth, increase, prosperity. gfāšīrst, a usurer, money-lender. 387, increasing, growing. #3, a stalk, footstalk, a nipple. 3*, a heap, quantity, batch. goto, a god, an immortal. #5, a thousand millions. *i, a mouse. gf>5<F, a centipede, scorpion. FI, a bull, an ox, sign Taurus. £o, a bull; pre-eminent. 3oss, support, prop. £53, a Shudra; lowest caste. দৃষোৎসর্গ, offering of a bull at a বৃষ্টি, rain. [shrad. gos, large, great, huge, immense. বৃহসপতি, the planet Jupiter. golfèztá, Thursday. Gogol, detail of particulars. cázs, a bend, curvature. cási,a shoot,sprout; an ichneumon. cäfázm, dwarfish, short, diminutive. cogs, without tail, tailless. Czos, impulse, rapidity, eagerness. Cososol, spoiled, marred, damaged. CosăsăIT, rapid, swift, impetuous. বেগসর, a mule. Czon, fruit of the egg-plant. Cosfoss, purple. Coof, a frog. CZTF, left-handed. costst, a tadpole, young frog. &B", selling, vending. 218 বেদ casfotal, a seller, vendor, salesman. czšit, mongoose, ichneumon. çTG1, a son; a low fellow. cao, a daughter. বেটুয় a vagrant,widower; a purse. coil, a string, cord, rope. on, a cloak, overall, mantle. Coy, enclosure, circumference. CAVR, surrounding, encircling. Col, a fence, hedge, enclosure. (TETR, going out, walking about. Częt, fetters, pair of tongs. Czocil, a kind of grass, khaskhas. czform, a money-changer, grocer. Cząt, a braid of hair, a queue. C:\, a pipe, flute, bambu. Gooss, one who plays on the flute. Czo, black pepper. Czo, a cane, rattan, switch. Coos an elephant. Co., wages, salary, fee, stipend. Cosă, a demon, fiend, goblin. Cosă1, versed in, acquainted with. Çzsā, a cane, ratan, switch. (z 7, the Veda ; science. CZWR1, pain, ache, distress. coastel, mystical prayer. CZW's 77, grammar. CoWZUTH, the sage Vyāsa. C372, gold. Cossío, the six sciences appendant on the Vedas, viz., the formation and arrangement of ideas, logic,