বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২২৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

বেস্ট grammar, a knowledge of technical terius, astronomy and prosody. &W so, one of the six schools of philosophy, usually called the darshanas. Czosos, a chameleon, lizard. Corso, an altar, mound, seat. cz fizz. I, perceptible, ascertainable. cavit, versed in, familiar with. Czows of, mentioned in the Vedas. & WJ, capable of being known. Cow J1, a tribe of nomadic Indians. Czas, a perforation, a hole; a link. corn, perforating, piercing, boring. cz*1, an excavation, a wound. Czosn, a trembling, tremor, quake. czofoj, shaking, quaking. বেপার, trade; profit. coro, camphor. Cao, the Bel fruit ; a garden. Cząsos, a surgeon's lancet. Czą, a paste-pin, rolling-pin. &#1, hour, time, late hour. Corzijl. sandy , a kind of fish. & “s, garb, disguise, pretext. C#"TST1, embellishment, dress. Cososos, a nose-ring ; a mule. o, a house, dwelling, abode. Cool, a bad woman, prostitute. Coos, a mule. co, birdlime, size, gum. con, surrounding, encircling. 210 বৈদ বে বিটত, surrounded, encompassed. Coros, water, drinkable. &#13, a son-in-law's father. cz z TF1, shameless, impudent. Çzz TF1, a palankeen-bearer. Czz soil, a violin, a fiddle. čas, except, besides, else, unless. izzofo, a jeweller. Rzz5zīJ, discomposure, agitation. izzotzi, the afternoon; evening. *zosit, evening offering to an idol. Zoo, Vishnu's paradise. toj, transformation, deformity. 547, discomposure, agitation. gaj, hostility, unpropitiousness. *z Soss, skill, tact, proficiency. *zossos, wonderful. itzsion, last month of pregnancy. *z sigot, a banner; kind of garland. *zfész, the soul, a sprout, a germ. ÈzīG1, an oar. itzrozs, assembly; hooka-bottom. cz ge:Ra,deceitful, hypocritical. itz offizi, a seller of meat. tz52IJ, falsehood. tofo, a hired labourer, hireling. Čz zgroft, the Hindu Styx. Èz EifĦzs, a bard, troubadour; a Čz şEJ, disrelish, disgust. [wizard. itzW, relating to the Vedas, a learned man. tario, skill, sharpness, wit. বৈদভ, a sarcasm, a joke.