বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৪

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

আভি stfesto, going towards, an ap proaching. ofors, striking, smiting. [spell. ofessor, a destructive charm or εΙfè gizr, family ; birthplace. Rosfoss, nobly-born; learned. sfērāts, Ez, aristocracy, government by the principal men in a state. of E3, learned, skilful, wise. Rotfoto, a token,signal; certainty. অভিদ্রোহ, enwy. of EzTF, a dictionary, a name. sifwCz?, a name; explicable. ofossi, coveting another's goods. sofonzo, new, recent, modern. ofo, theatrical representation. =If=f(z*i,intentness, application. Rosso, an actor in a drama. Rāfezia, subdued; involved in calamity. Refeats, meaning, design, object. Rosfoss, meant, intended, design&IfEzT7,salutation, obeisance. [ed. Rolfezjso, declaration, revelation. Sofostfo, spreading towards an object. Sfē ēz, defeat, humbling. of Essazo, a guardian, protector. Rosfoss, approved, wished, chosen. of ESTF, pride, self-esteem, keen perception of an affront. *[for, facing towards, present. 16 অভ্য &fesso, accused in a court. SIfStarfst, plaint, clashing. sfors’ devoted to, pleased with. of Egtss, beautiful, pleasing. Rofoss, relish, inclination, taste. stfossars, desired, wished for. of gåfs, wish, desire, lust. [ing. ofession, writing down, insertSIfērif g, censure, calumny. ofessioi, a curse, imprečation. ofosz, bathing before a sacrifice; drinking. sfērīzē, anointing, installation. অভিষ্টত, flattered, praised. of off, juncture; design; cheating. [war. of ozoits, a curse, imprecation; Rosfoss, a follower, a companion, ally. [lovers; ally. offerifor, a secret meeting of Rolfsso, spoken, disclosed. §§to, repeatedly, frequently. ofo, oto, desired, loved. STEFF, abstained from food. Roscow, identity, similarity. SUSFJ, solid, indivisible. *Tojo, unction, anointing from head to foot. Rosejos, the inner part, interior. Rojzāzīq, feeding, eating. Rosejčí proximate, near. Rojos-1, welcoming; petition. অভাগি ত, a guest, visitor.