বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

অমৃ STEJi vits, calamity, misfortune. - offs, practice, study, a habit. s:J-arta, rising to welcome, rais 罰g arms for action. Rojo, prosperity, welfare. orato, an example of the opposite of what is to be proved. অভ্যুপগমন, consent, admission; an approach. os-six, a good expedient. so, the sky, cloud; the talc. অভান্ত, not mistaken, not deceived. অভোথে, the thunder. sust, unripe, raw, unbaked. আমন, thus, so. s(TfR, gratis; thus; the same. *Issor, immortal, permanent; deity. otzot, the residence of Indra. অমষ, impatience, anger. Rossos, minister of state; an at tendant. witHR, unmanly, inhuman, void of the qualities of man. Rossitzroy, day of the new moon. ossifo, sincere, without guile. syfrgi, nectar, ambrosia. = Izs, such a one, a certain person. So, in another world. s Izīzē, unfounded, baseless. s¬¬J, invaluable, priceless. NĘ, nectar, ambrosia; not dead c o displeasure, 17 তামো st-Ifg, an oblong drinking-vessel. SIC=TAI, unclean, impure; ordure. তা স্বক, an eye. Roos, the sky, a cloud; apparel. S*H3T, acid, sour, tart. ***, a vidhya or descendant of a brahmun by a woman of the ryshya class. অম্বা, অম্বিকা, অম্বালিকা, a mother. অস্থ wntor. অম্বুজ, an aquatic plant, a lotus. Soo, a cloud. Rosso, the sea. sos, threshold, a stone. SNog , water. Scotsi, a lotus, the moon. SUCRE İF, a cloud. আম, Յ InangO. o, acid, sour, tart. SIĘTR, unfading. of gol, the tamarind tree. oft, disproportioned, unlike. Ross, good luck or fortune. où, a going, sun's course north or south of the equator. RTYRST*%I, the ecliptie. Sool, ron. STEIE, loadstone, magnet. ssy, ten thousand. *C<TâIJ, unsuitable, unworthy. Stāsts, a pestle; a club. ECTTF, a smith's anvil. [way. Rosso, not born in the common