বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৪৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

মহ ৷ মঙ্গীপ্রসু, an inkstand. Nog, a kind of pulse, lentil stain. THfF<s, smallpox ; a musquito-curTojo, smooth, unctuous, bland. *T*53s, a bamboo. STRE T1, a humourist. মস্ত , why. ***, **s, the head, top. afg*, the brain. * * *, great, noble, excellent. *T**,the egg-plant; Nárada slute. STEETS, rent-free land. Woo, greatness, dignity. Norts, honoured, revered. sofs, a great sage. Noi, sense, intelligence. [cow. Wol, great, noble, excellent; a **Toss, large-bodied, gigantic. Fofossi, Shiva, the destroyer. No.157, leprosy. NETCATS, a market-place. No.157, merchant, creditor. Notsät, commerce, money-lending. *TRIGU, magnanimous, large-heartমহাদেব, Shiva. [ed. No so, anything costly, gold. NETFU, great, eminent, grand. *T*Toi, a kitchen, cookroom. Nossos, death, the great sleep. Norfoil, midnight. STETTEZ, magnanimous, generous. *To so, chief among asceties. ** Tojo, a highway; death. 237 মাহ । No soil, a litter, palankeen. *T*T*sso, a crime, heinous offence. *T*T*E*H, a saint, a great man. Nosač, the supreme being, the Godhead. No so, universal destruction. Notos, very strong; a wrestler. Fotos, a porpoise. **To so], the mystic syllable 3. Noffs, the sky, the heaven. মহাবিষুব, the vernal equinox. striotosì, very strong. মহাব্যাধি, leprosy. Notossofio, a priest who presides at the funeral rites. No so, a great warrior. *T*TĘS, the five primary elements. মহামতি, magnanimous, noble. **Infos, great, majestic, noble. statistã, a king's prime minister. **I*TEU, illusion; Durgá. Fosstät, plague, pestilence. *Totos, costly, precious; a ruby. NETSI35, the five essential sacrifices. মহরি্জত, gold. SIEfosas, a great warrior. Nosis, an emperor; yOur ma*T*Toto, midnight. Ljesty. Notozoa, a Hindu hell. Ngizsi, costly, dear, highpriced. *I*Tsiol, moon's change in Bhadra. FIRIGossos, very unsteady. TETTTFTT, a loadstone