বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৪৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

মহে । stators, a necklace of bones. stafog, sir, your honour. sT*fjsì, the eighth day of the moon’s increase in Aswin. sT*f*a*, martial music. stfää, the dew. stfos, worshipped, adored. sfossi, greatness, majesty, dignity. *Ifog, the sun. . stfää1, a woman, a female, wife. sfox, a buffalo. sfost, a female buffalo; a queen. sfērē, very magnanimous. stät, the earth. somfo, a king, a sovereign. s[#tē, ginger. *Toto, a mountain. ####=, revered, adored. sitossi, a sovereign, a king. sūtsū, earthen, made of earth. মহীরুহ , a tree. *Iâtást, an earth-worm. st:, Indra ; Vishnu ; the nor thern Ghâts. *ICs ot, a title of Shiva. SICato, a large bull. *TC+Tszil, lightning. stafsoszi, a water-lily. *Tots. Hz, a great festival, feast. scetofo, the great ocean. SIC=THH, prosperous, dignified. SIC=T7JTIT, strenuous exertion, a great effort. 238 মাছী Ngātāfī, great height, great pros perity. মহৌষধ, a specific medicine. sTi, mother. ItĒ, breast, dug, teat, udder. *It'ssi, pith of a plant, marrow. *Tsoil, a woman, a girl. STAGs, flesh, meat. *T**Cosoft, a muscle. To Ho, fleshy, fat, corpulent. Słońsfoil, skin, hide. 5TfoxITa, STtoxif<ñ, carnivorous. itär, scouring, rubbing, polishing. isosérzi, ridge round a tree-root. মাকড়, মাকড়1, মাকড়সা, a spider. SITZEW, a mango, a beardless youth. STs631, ungenerous, greedy. মাকাটী, the seed of cotton. Sto, a weaver's shuttle. Stow, the same as Nixon, son. TI-IFT, butter; smearing, rubbing stoft, an old woman, crone. FII313, conceit, boasting, vaunting. sizī, the tenth Hindu month. *Tool, begging, asking for; request. SITofizo, auspicious, propitious, SIIS, a way, road. STSã, a thief, a prisoner. STS1, NIST-I, platform, scaffold, shed. Sissoil, a wooden bench, a stool. WT:31, a fisherman. ETTE, a fish. STÉt, Missol, a fly, a winged insect.