বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৫৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

যত - o sto, of all sorts, the whole. *Tas, as long as, while. *To so, belonging to a foreigner. *T***, saltpetre. *TAT, mixed up. *Ife, copulation. *TsT, fourth part of a day. stafs, night. যামল, a pair. *I*T*1, a son-in-law. offs, a sister. wifto, a watch, a guard. *Iffisit, night. stfolitoifs, the moon. যামুনেষ্টক, lead. RIIGSTEI, sister’s son. *ITSU, the south quarter. fift, he who, the person who. jo, measuring, weighing. so, pair of scales, steelyard. sos, dexterity, knack, skill. যুক্ত joined, endowed with. sfo, reasoning, inference, advice. §5, an age of the world; a pair. ****, the character of an age. যুগপৎ, at once, at one time. $53, a pair, a yoke, a mate. * siis, the end of an age. **I, a couple, a pair, a brace. sol, shade. * FIF, cooling, being pacified. * 5, joined, endowed with. *Si, a shoe. মোগা

  • .*, a fight, battle, contest, war. *|†, war, battle. **, ***, a young man.

যুব তী, a young WOIIlan. szro, youthfulness, youth. ¥¥¥T5, a prince, heir-apparent. *31, a young man. যুযু: a horse. soloss, a small tiger. Haw, thou.

  • Iz5, a louse.

যুঁথ, a flock, drove, swarm, herd. মুনী, a young WOIIlam. I*i, a post, a stake.

  • Iss, soup, broth, porridge. co, p. that which, he who; c. that. coast, where, whither. coso, in order that. costs, Cososz, as, like as. c=TSTR CETTF, tolerably. goszows, as ; such as, like as: czīcē gā, because, forasmuch as. călă1, weigh, measure. giraffā, a yoke for cattle. col, capital, stock; warp-rods. &T=1, one who unites, provider. co, the tie of a yoke. cosis, junction, connection, train. cosissCoI, acquiring and holding. &Issosol, a seven-league boot. যোগবল: virtue of abstraction. czTsfta, foi, cohesion. CŞTostã, assistance, co-operation.