বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৫৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

८लीव coststifosi, an assistant, auxiliary. Cossíso,supplying; causing to join. cofffffVII, a light slumber, doze. costift, an ascetic, weaver. CossCof, in course of, by means of. যোগেষ্ট, lead. CŞToss, suitable, worthy, fit. coststrol,worthiness, fitness, ability costol,a bivalve shell, cockle-shell. of Gio, a negotiator, uniter; an isthmus. (RITSïst, uniting; 16000 cubits. CSITGirl, union, conjuncture. CETTE E, a negotiator, a go-between. coison, joining, yoking, negotia ting. o coso, to join; a pair, junction, &T;7, joining, taking up room. CSITF1, a couple, pair, suit; joined. CETTE, the tie of a yoke; a farm. &TG, wealth, income, capital. Cossol, a warrior, combatant. CRIT KR, war, battle. coif, place of origin, origin, mine; the female organ of generation. ঘোষিত, CXIIXII, a womam, a female. csì, lac, gum-lac. Çifo, logical, inferrible, proper. czňfşrzs,derivative, regularly formco, measure, quantity. [ed. যৌতুক, a marriage gift. যৌবন, age of mature youth. cozgis'), situation of a prince. 250 - রক্ট র । of, fire, heat. T^, colour. zoo, force, expedition, zT EF, blood. রক্তকন্দ, রক্তকন্দল, coral. of Eos, red sandal-wood. £521, a leech, blood-sucker. zrāoff 5, blood-shedding. grofoss, discharge of blood রক্তবাটী, the smallpox. grozić, red, blood-colour. {{FRIs, bloody, full of blood. £3°CŞTool,the act of blood letting. রক্তশুঙ্গিক, poison. ososo, smeared with blood. of:Tfo, mutual bloodshed. # 3 iss, the piles. zsfēFST1, redmess. £755, a keeper, protector. [ing. good, protecting, saving, supportHTSH, a goblin, cannibal, gore. sol, keeping, preservation. রক্ষিত, a keeper, protector. afāzsi, the king's body-guard. ZIGFFİH, sour rice-gruel; asafoeti da ; mustard. so, protection, support. ososo, quick beating of a drum. #5 or, rubbing, scrubbing. F6īGTR, rubbing, treading, sifting. {so, miserly poor.