বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৬৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

লগী CŞTS, wrath, anger, passion, fury. gratz, wrathiul,cholerie, peevish. CŞTo, a sprout, germ ; riding. CETTE E, a rider. offs it, the fourth lunar mansion. costfos, a kind of fish; red; blood. রোহিৎ, the Sun. রেীকা golden. রেীক্ষ্য, rude, rough. রৌদ্র, sunshine, glare, heat. রৌপ্য, silver. GETZ, a Hindu hell; terrible. cofo, sandal wood. c@fềa, a fish; a dcer. ল। of 35, taking, receiving, accepting. *IGHT-i, persuading, instigating, biasing. Eso, silk thread for kite-string. Ho, leaves impregnated with lac. লকলকিয়া, vibrating, shaking. **, a butt, aim ; 1,00,000. Fool, mark, sign, characteristic. Fool, a metaphor, an ellipsis; R 900Se. [mark. Fi*FelīEFTē, distinguished by Fio, a mark, sign. Hait, goddess of prosperity. লক্ষমীমান, prosperous, fortunate. Fio), a butt, aim ; 1,00,000. Fiss F, beautiful, charming. Foll, pole for beating down fruit. Fift, a boat-pole, boat-hook, lever. s a. 257 লঞ্জি

    • 5, a club, bludgeon, staff. Ficos, in company. sist, adhering to, connected with. ofo, bondsman, surety, bail. *sū’so, a writing specifying the

time of marriage. *::Isists, abreast, side by sile. ¿ifras], a girl ten years old ; a naked woman. #To, air, wind. sifazi, lightness, diminution. Fisii, lightest, smallest. লধীয়স, light, contemptible. *To light, insignificant, small. =TTEI, lightness, insignificance. *To so, easy of digestion. লঘূীক্রিয়া, act of making water. **', chillies, capsicums; Ceylon **»FA, a clove, clove-tree. of os, an anchor. Fizzi, tail. F3TH,overstepping, transgression. Foll, a blow, stroke, beating. sigsfäfg, boxing, fisticuffs. *soil, shame; modesty, shyness. FESTET, shameful, disgraceful. *Too modest, bashful, sheepish. FossoR, ashamed, retiring, shy. লজ্জাশীল, modest, bashful, ÇOy. Fosséto, shameless, immodest. Fifesio, ashamed, put to shame. Fio, foot, tail. o FīŘEl, a prostitute,