বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৬৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

লভ্য zozo, being suspended, swinging. Füzosa, hanging up, suspending. =5-TB, perplexity, intricacy. *sj, a wicked person. *W*iv, rolling about, wallowing. व्लंझो, a libertine, profligate. Figo,shaking, quivering; fighting. #yfā, a battle, fight, scuffle. #Tofo, a fighter, warrior, boxer. Fići, a club, stick, staff. [ting. #Toso, holding out a bait, tempGT355, fidgety, fickle, tottering. sovo, a sweetmeat ball. व्लकुदक्लान, reeling, tottering, stag gering. 7*, tossing, agitation, staggering. 53-58, in the utmost disorder. ol, a creeper, climbing plant. #Toso, elephant. z*f3zE1, a guana. ot, root, butter. =zio, mouth ; speaking. àojīn,entwined, folded together. Žiž, a morsel, atom, tittle, jot, Fizz, a clove, clove-tree. Ezel, salt, saltness. #zioso, salted, steeped in salt. *zo, cutting, clipping. Fifa, a dagger. so, obtained, gained, got. Fifa, profit, gain, acquisition. #47, fit to b。 cut. Se J, obtainable, advantage, result. 258 লাগা Heo, dissolute, immoral, lewd. EīSTF, a jump, leap, spring. FISUSER, umping,leaping,springing. Gioto, hanging down, stretching. Foil,long, tall, high-perpendicular. Hafs, length, tallness, height. gifo, placed lengthwise, pendent. sit afwat, corpulent, Ganesha. *Cotto, a camel. ào, dissolution, absorption. Ff;II: Tog, a dancer. GTGT1, a woman ; tongue. Hāsū, forehead, fate, destiny. £iso, displaying charms, lovely. ào, garlic. #iosis, the cat's-eye stone. Fifa’s, wished for, desired. &T, a dancer. Eīzil, turmeric. ãîíîìz51, saliva, spittle. লস্তকী, a bow. #soft, a wave, billow; whim. F1, lac, sealingwax. #ife, a pumpkin, gourd. Esso, the lac insect; 1,00,000, Fissol, the lac insect. Frost, adhering, being applied to. ofoil, contact, joined ; laid out. Fitorso, overtaking, finding. FT3sF, sticking on, joining, apply ing. Fi,6ITST, a bridle, rein, halter. ăsăsăffs, abreast, alongside.