বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৭২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

শাঠ্য off-scator, a name of Shiva. wrot, the moon. *Tots, repeatedly, over and over. “Rothe ear-hole, opening of the *Taos, new grown grass. *for, killing animals as sacrifice. *TF1, a cucumber.

  • T3:5, gloves. *sūl, cheap, low-priced. *ro, weapon, instrument, tool. *so fität, living by arms, a soldier. wrazīsāt, bearing arms, armed. *†Jiri, military exercise. *Izzi, young tender grass. *Iss, corn, grain, kernel. *f; Twität, abounding in corn. *[HITs, a graminivorous animal. oisor, a conch, univalve shell. »-T-TT. a ladybird. ofori, a bracelet made of shell. *forrát, a shell-cutter. *İTH, kernel, nutritious part. witz, an eatable vegetable. *T<T, emvious.
  • Togs, a bull. [qα, &c. *to, a worshipper of Ká'í, Door*T*1, a branch, a subdivision. *st-offstoß, a suburb, village. *itors;5s, a monkey. *fost, a tree; a Veda. *Togs, a bull. *rist,*Ifft, a petticoat. sti? J, craftiness, deceitfulness.

264 [ear. শাল!

  • TF1, sound, word, sentence. *Its, a whetstone; coarse cloth. *ffat, a tent; a hint. *sūzī, enmity, hatred. *TW1, white. *itR, a whetstone, a hone. *TTFTTF, an earthen platter. *ffT1, a weaver's sley or reed. “sifts, sharpened, whetted. *If5, eased, contented, placid. *Iffs, relief, comfort, peace. *†of, a curse, imprecation. witzi sãos, a peacock. *Itzso, a young bird or animal. *Ifzīgs, sin, crime. *Iszsä, an iron crowbar. *iso, nominal, sonorous. *iffio, of words, nouns. *Ifs[1, a kind of grass; a bird. *Titã, ashes. *iso, a snail, a shellfish. *ITSIJ, forbearance. *ffFF, a cuckoo; a deer; a bee. witzsätz, autumnal. *Issifs, bodily, corporeal. *Too, an envious person. *tto, sugar. *ifo, a bow ; made of horn. শাৰ্দ্দল, a tiger; eminent. *fIzH, the sál tree ; a gibbet. *ifosi, a building ; wife's brother. *Ifászät, a surgeon.

শালাঙ্কী, a doll.