বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৭৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।


  • itoffs, wife's brother's wife.spot. *rīāffssor, an earthen cover for a *Issa, a kind of winter rice. *Isā, an astringent. শালুক, root of a waterlily. শালরা, a frog. শালী, a canoe made of sál. *It=>fã, the silk-cottom tree. শাশুড়ী, a mother-in-law. *Too, eternal, perpetual, always. *If Haf, a governor, punisher. *Isrin, governing, government. শাসনীয়, controllable, punishable. *ITATA, chiding, scolding, punishing *Isfoss, governed, controlled. *TS1, a punisher, governor. *Ifg, punishment. *113, a shotstra, a sacred book. *T355, cultivation of learning. tras. *Tsosiosa, one versed in the shasশাস্ত্রবাহমুখ, lawless, unrestrained *isão, approved by the shastras. *risti, according to the shástras. *TH), controllable, punishable. foot, a chaplet, wreath, tiara. foto, a spreading root. forđă, a chain, setters, shackles. শিকা, শিক্য, a string with a noose suspended in any place on which articles are kept in safety. footo hunting, the chase. শিকথ Way.

265 শি পি f*tz5oij, renring, pramcing. frozo, a teacher, tutor, instructor. foto1, instruction, doctrine. for offs, instructing, educating. fatfo, taught, studied, trained. foot, a peacock; a tuft. fotosz, learning, studying. f*fora, mucus of the nose, snot. fotos, top or point of anything. for-ri, a flame, spike of corn. fotosta, teaching, taming, keeping for-sizzi, a peacock. [in order. for-Tzotz, slaming; crested, tufted. fotost, crested; a peacock; fire. শিক্ষু, the horse-radish. foro, a horn, peak of a mountain. fool, horn for cupping or blowing. শিঙ্গেল, having horns, horned. f*Igosso, mucus of the nose, snot; oxyde of iron. fosso, an iron cleaning-rod. f***, tinkling sound, jingle. f*tf**it, bow-string, am omament for the foot. f>fb1, dregs, sediment, dross. f**for 5, horripilation, the hair standing on end. fors, weak, lean. শিতশূক, wheat. forosz, a pillow, cushion, bolster. শিতিচ্ছদ, শিক্তিপক্ষ, a gandar. f*fforzī, slack, relaxed, remiss. f*ifos, ray, beam of light.