বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৭৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

শৌৰ্য্য Cotto, sorrow, grief, regret. costs.o. anxiety, grief, remorse. coiff5;, light, lustre. corssjo, little, small. শোটীঘ্য, power, influence. costs, hemp : vermilion colour. C*to, the senna plant; red. শোণিত, blood. Cossos,Cosso, swelling of the limbs Gosso purifying, correcting, paying. Cosso, correcting ; paying. corffsitz, payable, due; corrigible. comfo, paid; cleared; corrected. coff L1, lustre, beauty, elegance., Cossos-on, the horse-radish tree. corretfo, splendid, beautiful. comfo, beautified, splendid. cost#1, the Indian cork-plant. c*ITH, dryness, suction, decay. Cosso, drying up, exhausting, squeezing. শৌক্তিকেয়, শৌন্তেয়, pear. শৌর্য, whiteness. শৌচ, purification, ablution. coñEGII, a washerman. শৌ", intoxicated, insensible. costs, pride, haughtness. geffers, crief, distiller, dealer in liquors. costa, proud, boastful. coffo, a butcher, seller of meat. শৌবন, eanine, pertaining to dog. cens I, prowess, eminence. o 269 শ্রায় শৌল্লিক, a brasier. শোষকল, eating fish and flesh. eretz, cemetery, burning-place. **F, the beard. *Usos, a species of thorny shrub. *IJsos, of a color consisting of black and yellow. *Uss, *[JT-Tâ’i, dark coloured. *Issil, the black goddess Kāls. *Ussío, a wife's brother. *Ussío, “Utam, a wife's sister. C"IJE, white. C”JF, a hawk, a falcon. [lity. sist, devotedness, devotion, fide**s-, devoted to, attached. ***, stringing of beads, Compos Illg. *Z-1, hearing, attending; the ear. szel, the 22l lunar mansion. *FC#T.organ ofhearing, the ear. $II, a beast fit for being sacri ficed. SEJ, fit to be heard. *SI, exertion, diligence, labour. sistóf3%T, distressed with fatigue. sist, painstaking, industrious. So, help, support. &T, ceremony for the dead. *T*, wearied, tired, exhausted. asso, weariness, fatigue, languor. STZ, hearing, sounding. STFs, fourth Hindu month; oral. also, beneficial, advantageous.