বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/২৭৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

শ্রেীত à, beauty, prosperity, elegance; a tune in Hindu music; Lakshmi. SÊāTEF, envious, invidious. à-iss, sandal-wood. àojas, highway. ào, the Bel-fruit, wood-apple. ăzso, a mark on Vishnu's breast. Êzās, turpentine. à53, ill-fated, poor, degraded. শ্ৰীমান, prosperous, fortunate ; beautiful. ào, the word a written on a letter. [ful. Goss, prosperous, well off; beautiੋ, heard ; having heard. *FEST-Fo, despised, disregarded. asso, hearing; ear; Vedas. affèzsö, an unpleasant sound. শ্ৰুতিধর, one who readily commits to memory what he hears. [das. affo originating from the Ve: *Fa, sacrificial spoon; sacrifice. cast, progression. cool, a row, range, rank, tier. Coto, arranged in lines. catáros, ranged in ranks. c*E£, prosperity, beatitude. co, preferable, better, best, chief. cafè, E1, pre-eminence, excellence. costs, lame. costfa, the hip, loins, rump. CEITE?, current, running water. &T&J, audible, fit to be heard. 270 ষট ~ Così, a hearer, auditor. [earcastā, gaitā, organ of hearing, the coisfaz, docile, accomplished. coito, prescribed by the Vedas. FF, fine, charming. #2s, slack, loose, flaccid, remiss. STT, priding one's self, applause #Toj, worthy of being extolled. făşi, an embrace. foro, combined, embraced, joined. #tzio, the elephantiasis. Călă, an embrace; irony, sarcasm. ặzETİ, phlegm, rheum, a cold. CETTE, a couplet, stanza, text. *#3, to-morrow. - offs, slavery, servitude. o, a hole, cavity. #32, swelling of the limbs. *Hoos, a father-in-law. off, brother-in-law. *joi, a mother-in-law. offs, wind, air, breath. স্ব1, স্বান, a dog. #127, a quadruped, wild beast. #ifas, a porcupine. offi, the breath; asthma. f{H,C#ā, the white lepra. & 5, white; whiteness. Gozo, silver; a small shell used as money in India. ষ । as, sig, (a prefix,) six. aïs, six, sixfold.