বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৩৪

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

অতুি stsco, very rich, exceedingly wealthy. [sound of a drum. আতঙ্ক, তাতঙ্গ, fear, alam disease; sitsosz, the putting of any substance into a liquid body to produce a chemical change; a calamity; a gratification. STETTFt, ready to murder or stoo, sunshine; sun-dried. [jա:e. stoo, an umbrella. STEF, fare for crossing a river; essence of rose &c. stofo, a pigment made with flour or chalk and water used to paint the seats or walls of a House at a marriage or idolaterous festival. অতি, অতৃিপ], a custard-apple. sfērĒ, taking a part in a musical entertainment without pay, working gratis. stances. εττττωτχ, in distressing circumতাতাপন - ভর্তিয়িস্ট্র ! a kite. airstät, a kite; crafty, deceitful. statso, a long shelf, scaffold. stoisłostoff, everywhere. otso, hospitable. [pitality. siffSoff, hospitable reception, hosSITGIFfosfē, misimputing. - অতিশয্য, excess, excessiveness. আতু, a rait. stor, diseased, distressed. 26 আদি strz zni, destitute of oil. Rottfä, effort, labour, endeavour; attention. sif I, a prefix meaning self, own. আত্মগ্রাহী, selfish. of Tots, self-murder, suicide. store, a son; springing from self. SIf TETT, self-knowledge. oro, nature of spirit. SITTEt, spirituality, identity, friendship. storatofa, a first cousin. stofoats, forgetful of self. =forgså, greedy, selfish. <tt-grafzII, self-applause, egotism. otossifs, own, proper, one's own. ==Total, self-destroyer; suicide. str. 1, spirit, soul, mind, seli. stritz, related to one's own self, intimate; a relation. sits] fo, excessive, infinite. <ITCGîãî, menstruous. <5Ifaar, respect, veneration. of Wai, mark, sign, a land-mark. stof, pattern, original from which - anything is to be copied; mirror. =THI, SIIHF, ginger. Rostasy, a place for filth, jakes. stintzi, receiving, taking; the trappings of a horse. sitätz, obtaining payment, receiv ing any thing. outso, the beginning, first.