বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৩৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

আধু ousto, the sun; a deity; name of orgsoo, recent, modern, novel. [a plant. sitcotosí, unwashed, uncleansed. sista, first, primary. ofo, commanded, directed. rototoa, pain, trouble, distress. sig 5, uncovered, exposed, bare. আদুড়ীয়, immature, incomplete. *To respected, esteemed. আদৃষ্টি, as far as the sight reaches. otcot, command, injunction; the substitution of one letter for another. stol, in the first place. stotos, accusation, complaint. *IITs, first, preceding, prior. otos, from first to last. অাদ্যপ্রান্ত, see আমাদ্যোপান্ত, আদ্যন, greedy, selfish. sigotosso, from first to last. *Too, ginger. *Its sists, obtaining respect. আধ, অধি1, half. of foottfägi, headacheon oneside. *Toto, a pledge, pawn, deposit. otos, convicting of a crime. stol, half a brick, brickbat. stafsi, half a rupee, eight-anna ofosso, taking, holding. [piece. *It'ssor, receptacle, vessel, holder. offs, mental ageny; a pledge. Rotfros, abundance, excess. offiziej, sovereignty, lordship. অাধুড়ীয়, immature, half-grown. WI45, agitated, shaken. 27 অনুি ÞÎÏÇ«Tąs, nu elephant-driver. Rossosz, flatulence, inflation. Rostojisoso, internal, inherent. St Iz, reflection, thought. Rosto, a sort of drum, a trumpet. Roto-il, otoios, not seen before, unprecedented, strange. Rosso, modest, humble. Rosso, bound, confined; a drum. Rosso, bringing; the face, mouth. অনিন্তৰ্য্য, posteriority, succession. stazī, joy, happiness, gladness. RSIf={zI={, bringing. অনিল, অনল, fire. Rastal, a sixteenth part; four pice. of-storial, the act of coming and going, intercourse. siassi, greens, vegetables. STFTF, abstruse, secret, hidden. <T=Itfgørzu, awkwardness, clumsi ness. *Totát, clumsy, clownish, stupid. STfzfzr, strz S, brought, fetched. Rotaros, not otherwise, just as it was ; a deposit. STRtz, a fishing-net. StzTr, suppression of urine, constipation, costiveness; length. *Tool, assistance, patronage. *To so], a following after, attach- | ment, affection.