বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৩৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

অী:ব 20 sito, a row, range, rank. SITZSJ, indolence, inactivity, idle ness. ofosso, necessary; necessity. *To so, flowing on, customary. oùassos, Rossosz, soi, a trench round the foot of a tree for the purpose of watering it; a bracelet; uneven ground; sowing the seed. sitztosz, a thread-reel. *Toto, from childhood, childish. অলিলিবৃদ্ধ, from young to old. stafāgāzfāzi, children, old per sons and women. ofossij, from infancy. SitzTH, a habitation, house. STATER, an inviting, introducing. *Ifog, a blanket, a woolen stuff. off of, an awl, a drill, an auger, a piercer. [ment affieia, manifestation, developt wifs, guilty, sinful, foul. [very. *Isfoss, making visible, disco*Info, engaged in, engrossed. &Tzotz, a kind of red powder which the IIindoos throw at each other at an idolatrous festival. অবি, আব, a wen. আবুড়া, uneven, rough. ST3K5, enveloped, covered. *Nigfā, revolving; conning. SICT, a representation, petition. Nicot, intentness, close attention. অামা

  • IT"#, a workshop, an entrance

into a place. sitcofoto, a guest, a stranger. *Toto, a cloud; clownish, stupid. *ffo, yearly, annual. Si E Toi, an ornament, jewel. Rossel, brilliancy, splendour. STEİST, a proverb, a saying. ofess, preamble, prologue, intro ductory discourse. STETTS, addressing, speaking to. *TE foi, brilliancy; design; a semblance. [tions. Roitfestfäzo, one who uses incanta*ffort, one connected with a family. Rosse gros, high birth, nobility. stfostfos, relating to a dictionsiff="[^II, a front position. [ary. আভীর, n cowkeeper, herdsman. *Toto, difficulty, distress. of Ejtfozo, clever in committing to memory. - STST, a mango; crudity; mucous matter in the stomach of man. ofssos, winter rice. STFTso, invitation, calling. SIRT3, disease, illness, malady. আমরক্ত, dysentery. ofssos, anger. stol, stor, dried mangoes. STS-13, the colic. STSs, unburnt (bricks).