বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৩৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

অায় otstos, counsellor, minister. =TsIt=Tì, rice gruel, kánjá. sitsūta, uncooked rice. outsixto, diarrhoea; the stomach. stfits, flesh; lust, coveting. =TrfTTT#, carnivorous. satsitol, curds, cheese. আমুক্ত, clothed, invested. starši, radically, fundamentally, from the root. *TCSITW, delight; fragrance. SITEITH, a veda ; traditional usage. Rossoi, sour, acid. আমি, a mangO. অক্সিতিক, আমি ড্রা, the hog plum. আমেডন, tautology, repetition. STAT, the tamarind; acidity. sits, income, gain, receipts. Rosso, extended; oblong; the state of a woman having her hus Roston, extent, size, measure; dimension, ground-plot. stoo, length; future time. ostra, subject to, docile. stafa, affection, love, attach ment ; a limit. Rosign, iron; made of iron. *Torii, a coat of mail. ofosi,a grandfather; a nurse maid; power. [a season. *T*Ifs, length, breadth, extent; Rossostol, labour, effort, fatigue. 30 অীরা Sfg, liie, lifetime. sigots, lifetime, duration of life. আয়দুর্ব্য, a medicine. অফুিধ, a weapon, arms. আয়ুৰ্ব্বেদ, the science of medicine. আয়ুস্তকর, causing longevity. অসুিষ্টোম, a sacrifice to obtain অসুিষমান long-lived. [long life. অসুিষ), life-preserving,occasioning longevity. strator, preparation, making provision for an undertaking. ==TC: Tosz, war, battle. STF, else, and, another, more ; the brass; an awl. ==Toso, brass. of go, reddish. of gol, a wild buffalo. Stoj, wild, belonging to a forest. stafs, waving lamps to an idol ; ==Trots, again. [cessation. sto begun, commenced. storso, dramatic show, st asto, disrespect; a desire. story, commencement, beginning. তার সূলী, a cockroach. sIg 1, an awl, a saw. অার কষ, a Sawyer ==state, near ; distant. statso, an enemy, opponent. Rosatos=1, worship, prayer. startz), deserving of worship. storso, a sound.