বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৩৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

তাল o sig f5T, a garden; health, rest. আর লিক, a cook. onfort, hemorrhoids or piles. Rosso, a hog; a pitcher; a crab, osso, mounted, riding on. [a tree. SIC: 150, good health. SİCAfoi, attributingto, placingon. *WIczIff«is, imputed, feigned. of Costol, a mounting, rising. Rosičín, obtaining, planting. * IIŠīz straightness, rectitude, sinofo, pained, distressed. [cerity sTtia, the menses ; a flower. offé, pain; the end of a bow. oiso the office of a priest. outfozo, versed in any science. STIF, wet, moist, clammy. *Too, ginger. [noble extraction. sissi, respectable, venerable; of staffo, a paternal grandfather. ofoss, a kind of metre; Durga. otosíza, a name for that part of India which extends from the IIimalaya to the Vindhya mountains. sts of, a looking-glass, mirror. ots, authorised by ancient sages; a kind of marriage. STS SJ, a young bull. ST3, yellow orpiment; a sting, the barb of an arrow ; not boiled. StFisil, loose, unconnected. [ing Rossississ, balanced, poised, totter 1. তালি | vizifo, *stafğ(1, the epiglottis, the uvula. stol, cotton steeped in lac. 51-17, a putrelying; going home. oz of trench round the foot of a tree for the purpose of watering it. Rosso, a prop, sulcrum, support. oilo, dependence, reliance. Sli- *£ SF, a parasitical plant. Rossog, beating, killing. - STIGHz, a house, habitation. Sizinj, indolence, laziness. [ing. oissojoso, stretching and yawn&1517, a calamity, an affliction. *TETsotofs, an irrelevaney, in pertinency. osioiso, a post to which an elephant is tied, a chain, fetter, tether. ST-I’s, conversation, intercouise. Sizt - F a kind of lute made with one gourd. ofosso, the bottle gourd. SITETĘ1,anapparition, ignis-fatuus. stifo, a ridge, lineage; a woman's female companion. otso-, an embracing. otfoor, a large water-jar, joiá. offo, a terrace before a house, a platform. - stfäosal, the whitewashing or plastering of the walls & floor on the occasion of a festival.