বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৪৪

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

উজ $5zēt, unruly, headstrong, impu§5túa, restlessness; sorrow.[dent. Röfss, morally right, proper. §ool, a cricket. GC5fG, a stumble, a tríp. $55, high, tall, lofty, elevated. §5ül, pride, arrogance; custom. §5's, quick, expeditious, hasty. §5:sts, uneven, up and down. èù55IzI?, high-minded, magnani 1Y) OUISÜ55, droll, humorous, jocular, *5f.5, uttered, pronounced. RE55RBR, disquietude, sadness. §5Iz's, uneven, high and low. ĒGTH, excrement, manure. ū5tzsa, pronunciation, utterance. Čto, loud, aloud, on high. ū53-fos, a loud voice. Rùù5:41, deaf; Indra's horse. Útgā, śfoil, ruined, laid waste. Üfoãìzì, a mushroom. Refoš, left, remaining, rejected. উচ্ছৃঙ্খ ă, loose, licentious, irregular. $CB&W, devastation, ruin, damage. Roz, $513, height, elevation. - * wt §offs, breath. ਚੋਂ ਲੁਜ, act of vomiting. §§, straight, honest, upright. §§§n, a rooting up, emptying. Régin, contrary, cross-grained. §5:it:I, out of one's element. Roi, tossing, agitation. 36 ऎ ūsīān, a tossing up, a leaping. §§so,empty, desolate, uninhabited. §§In, the upper country, that part of the country from which the rivers flow; against the current. §fä, a common report, gossip. Šišts, out of one's element. §§§ 3, waste, desert; ruined. §§§§7, pulling up by the root, eradication. §§§tz, prodigal, wasteful. ऊंख्ङ्ग्रेस्छ, উজ্জ্বন্ডিত, blown, expanded as a flower. §§o, luminous, splendid. ūfast, left, abandoned, forsaken. §4, gleaning, leasing. §47, gleaning, drying by the fire. §5, a camel; straw. ūzīāţăt, foreign, unknown. GG 5, a hovel, thatched house. §§5, taking goods on credit. §547, seeking, searching for. উটকো, straying, wandering. Újo, a clue, guide. SăfS, a sale ; a breaking-up. §§7, a court-yard ; rising up. §§§§, restless, agitated, anxious. tool, tatooing on the face. উড়কুড়, from first to last. È gas Ft H, extravagant, wasteful. §§5, act of flying. §gist, a scarf, a sheet, a flowing upper garment.