বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৪৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

উত্ত 37 উত্ত $ofit, extravagant, lavish; a scarf. È stafa, wild rice. [digal. উড়ীয়মান, flying; extravagant, proউড়কক, sledged, winged, able to fly. উড়ন্তী, slighty, vague, airy, light. Sşei, a raft ; the moon. উড়প fB the moon. scopper. উচুম্বর, উদুস্বর, the sacred fig-tree; উড়ডীয়মান, in the act of flying. os, a prefix implying an upward direction of the act. §5, heat, fire; woven, sewed. È SFa, coming, arriving. alighting. §on, overflowing, boiling over. §sal, impatient, troubled. উতারা, a copy, duplicate, rehearsal. $ossil, impatient, uneasy, troubled. উৎক, regretting, sal, vexed. §so, painful; excessive; mad. Roszo, regret, anxiety, care. উৎকর, n heap, a pile. উৎকর্ষ, excellence, abundance. §sofol, anxiety, thought, care. উৎকুণ, a louse. §so, excellent, elevated, best. Èstogts, a bribe. উৎক্রম, a leap, transgression. Èst FT-t, an osprey; an eagle. উৎক্ষেপ, a tossing up. উৎখাত, eradication, destruction. $g, wet, moist. §go, heated, hot, excited. উত্তম, very good, excellent, best. D 3 উত্তমণ, a creditor, money-lender. উত্তম সাহস, capital punishment consisting of 5 sorts, viz. death, confiscation of property, exile, branding and cutting off of the offending limb. উত্তমাঙ্গ, the head. ÈGF, ulterior; answer; north. §goso, future time. §g fog, funeral rites. §gs, arriving, alighting, landin 3. §gowo, the wisdom teeth. §§3*i*, the minor proposition in a syllogism. উত্তরবাদিন, the defendant. §a ghofors, witness from hearsay. §§§ iso, an auxiliary, prompter. উত্তরস্থান, an inp. উত্তরাধিকার, an inheritance. $63, ifosoft, an heir, successor. উত্তরাভাস, an equivocal reply, a prevarication. άσχῆa, sun's north declination. উত্তরায়ণন্তবৃত্ত, the tropic of cancer. উত্তরী, §go, the outer garment twisted and passed over the right shoulder and under the left arm. উত্তরেণ, northerly, subsequently. Śācoto-morrow, following day. §gostag, gradually,in succession. $53-1, threatening, dunning. §ggio, overflowing, boiling over.