বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৪৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

উৎ ëzia, lying on the back; shallow. Region, heat, ardour, fervour, zeal. Rossors, carrying across, helping ᏬᎳer . §ata, great, excessive, furious. Šátá, arrived, got over, escaped. Ē ēst, high, loud, elevated. §ool, importunity, dunning. §catāz, raising, Hitting up. ūsā, rejected, disgusted, vexed. Roof, raised, produced. §on, overflowing, boiling over. Roro, raising, rising, getting up. §otton, raising, elevating; men tioning. §forf, elevation, erection. T<”TT, leaping up, mounting. ës offs, arising, production. §so, produced, arisen from. Roszizi, a water-lily, lotus. Resorts, having the face upward, looking up. ësztún, rooting up, eradicating. &offs, ravaging, tumult, outrage, portent. §softWo, bringing forth, producing. ësoftāt, freedom from disease, health. ësfoga, distracted, disconsolate. èsC2F, similitude, resemblance, inadvertence. উৎপলবন, leaping up, jumping. Rêsosol, a boat. 38 प्लेन ॐ* 2Fso, at sixes and sevens. Ès, FTF, a leap, a jumpEs Ée, expanded, gladdened. উৎস, a spring; fountain, cascade. &s so, the bosom, lap, hips. Ès rīzi, ruined. Ès Hz, festival, holiday, festivity. ësoof, offering, oblation, gift. ūsīān, offering an oblation. §sosto, promptness, energy, zeal. Resfo, inflated, haughty. §s Hæ, zealous, eager, emergetic. উৎসৃজন, offering, devoting. উৎসৃষ্ট, devoted, offered, given. §scisz, casting up water. ūW, Woo, water; an otter. So, the north quarter. 575, pointing upwards, high. §osz, a cover. Rowff, the sea, the ocean. ÈRE, information, news. §7:11, thirst. Wors, the sea. §7°itz, a well, tank, eistern. ÈHzfĦ5, habitation, house. [dict. §7s, open, free, unrestrained, canČw stol, sincere, thoughtless. TTF, a rising into view. §Wolfo, from sunrise to sunset. §74, the belly, interior. ëWareo, dysentery, diarrhoea. ūWAugs, gluttonous, greedy. §Wā’īzā, the navel.