বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৫১

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

উমা 43 tortosa, a present, gift. Rovisors, ceased, discontinued. Rossssia, earning, acquiring. Rooftog, abuse, reproach, reviling. Roostri, a voluntary fast. Švitrio, servant, worshipper. Rosso, Çostrial, humble service, worship. **iffs, a cartilage, gristle. è•tT#), alorable, worshipful. प्लेटक्कै §or, upper part of a door-frame. Ezr:, the breast, bosom, chest. উরঃস্কৃত্রিকা, a pearl necklace. $gos, a snake, reptile; crawling. উরণ, উরভু, a ram; a cloud. Rozsár, extension; promise. §g “ga, armour, a breastplate. to , the breast. §gfosi, the female breast. STf HF, broad-chested. উপুড়, উবুড়, lying with the face Rosato, a coat of mail, cuirass. downwards, reversed. [tempt. Sco 1, negleet, disregard, con§core, arrived at, connected with, endowed with. §cotto, near; married; arrayed. উপোষ, উপোষণ, a fast. উপ্ত, sown, disseminated. §za, departing, disappearing. Ross, a superabounding. Rozogi, abundant, plentiful. Rozoa, a boiling over; searching. উৰী, উবু, erect, high, elevated. Risi, straight, unconnected. Rös, high, erect, elevated ; couple. উভচর, amphibious. È = H, both, two together. Rogg, in both places. - উভয়তঃ, mutually, on both sides. Čezsa, unlading a boat. §osts, with a loud voice. Ès, anger; promise. ūsa, a sounding the depth. | vzta], legitimate; cordial. | §g, the thigh; large, great. | 3:55, born in the thigh; the sai shya caste. §Catston, creeping, crawling. উৰ্ণনাভ, a spider. $41, wool, fur, felt. §331, fertile, arable; rich soil. Rozát, the earth. ñosa, leaking, letting in water. §55, naked, unclothed, bare. Śāz, putting down, descenling. §3, name of a species of grass. উল্ক, an owl. উলুত, the Boa Constrictor. §o, a meteor, torch, firebrand. §osofts, falling of a meteor. উলকামুখী, a fox. §fo, tattooing on the face, &c. Čort, turning upside down. | ot, upside down, reversed.[down. উল্টাপাল্ট, topsy-turvy, upside |