বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৫২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

ठेग्ली উল্টাবৰ, a perverted mind, mis understanding. উলঢ়ল, hurly-burly, confusion. Èzna, coals, live coals. উলমুখ , a meteor, torch, firebrand. Śāga, transgressing, violating. ÈH GEF, a jump, leap, spring. Rää, hairy, shaggy. Rotzi, groaning, moaning, wailing. ūHTM, exulting, delight, joy. Čor, specifying, mentioning. §C£*t*, digging; emunciatimg, ut tering. GŁĘf5, canopy, awning. Rota, a surge, wave, billow. उँळू, the womb. উলণ, biliousness; apparent, evièáàã, being delighted. [dent. èxit, desire, inclination. Èxitz , khaskhas grass. ūazi, the sun; the fire. È II, the dawn of day. Rostāsā, early in the morning, morning twilight. [fidgetty. §fs forfs, restlessness, being ūsāq, stirring up; trimming the wick of a lamp; instigating. *ś, a camel. Ess, warm, hot, sultry, angry. §:34:ffa-E, the torrid zone. Sag, cleansed by scalding; con sumption. §§ts, Čáta, a turban, diadem. 44 উহ §§1, heat, warmth, anger. Šā, a ray of light. Üof g, a case, sheath, cover. स्रे । উথলি, উদূখ 5, a wooden mortar for husking rice. §5, married; carried. উত, WOVG IlRožň, the udder of a cow, &c. Sarij, milk. *:I, less, short, minus, fewer. È=[[Fi, spiritless, without energy. উয়ী, a white-ant, termite. §35, 33 s, the thigh. [shya caste. Roggi, born in the thigh; the Waiউরুস্তম্ভ, a tumour in the thigh. of gigs, the plantain tree. उंख्छॉझल, উজ্জস্বিন, strong. Rosate, a spider. *::1, wool, fur, felt. উর্ণায়ু, made of wool; a blanket. Roż, high, lofty, elevated, up. È#x5, heartburn, flatulency;adrum. ozsa, a devotee with raised arm. Rożdżol, a sage living in chastity. È##TH, expiration, asthma, a breathing with difficulty. Rožfo, the thigh bone. Rossit, a wave, billow; whim. § {a, saline earth; brackish. $31, dawn, morning twilight. Röß, investigation, reasoning.