বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৭২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

কুপ্রি 64 got, a withered arm, a whitlow. £ogi, shy, bashful, timid; the gờ, diffident, indolent. [elbow. #3, a hole or pit; a bastard. ;ezi, an arbour, a bower. #34, an ear-ring, a coil of rope. #szit, coiling, winding, spiral. কুণ্ডাশী, a procurer. £fosi, a basin resembling a hol low hemisphere. 3:37, a vessel with a narrow neck. ozi, midday, great heat. §§zi, o, a leathern bottle. তূহল, merriment, gratification. £aifo, anywhere, wherever. #soil, calumny, scandal. §sfoss, ugly, vile, disgraceful. reproachful. ;grăit, a horse-cloth, a checkered cloth worn by some devotees. zFITTEI, FFIfF, a digging-hoe. दबुल, hair of the head; barley. কুন্তন, groaning, moaning. zoos, a turner. दनन, leaping, jumping, skipping. কন্দম, a cat. কন্দল, quarrelling, wrangling. Foo, a mouse, a rat. কুন্দুরু, frankincense. zoos, a leathern bottle. কুপিত, angry, vexed, provoked. *fcio, a weaver. o Efalz, despicable, base, bad. কল o কুবঙ্গ, lead. z5z5, calumnious, slanderous. কুবলয়, a water-lily. কৰাহুল, the camel. কবিক্রম, tyranny, oppression. *Co., god of wealth. stā, hump-backed, stooping. ಸ್ಧSTI, ೩ species of gourd. *ST: , little boy, prince; a potter. *:Tfool, ostoft, a girl, a virgin. কুমীর, an alligator, crocodile. Foss, a kind of water-lily. FTT, a crocodile. কুমেরু, antarctic. zoo, having a crooked arm. zog, a pitcher; Aquarius. কুম্ভক, holding the breath. GEZETT, a potter. FE, a prostitute. [brother. কুন্ডিল, a thief, plagiarist; wife's কুন্ডীপাক, One of the Hindu hells. কুম্ভীর, an alligator, crocodile. Foof, a deer, antelope. gü, a shoe-maker. 3.4, scraping, scooping out. Foss, hydrocele. ĢĒ, gravel-stones. 33f5, disgust, distaste, dislike. কুরুজ, the wards of a lock. কুক্কুট, sweepings, rubbish. zgÄR, frisking, gamboling, sport. £ofā, knee, elbow; under control. Foss, race, caste, family; a plum.