বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৭৩

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

কুল o, of good family, high-caste; ' the connection of several stanwas by protracting the government of the moun or verb through several verses. o, clapping of the handl. কুলকম, oo::s, family duties: the giving of a son or daughter in marriage to a person of a noble family. o, gargling the mouth. oist, family-register, pedigree. ੇ, genealogist, family-registrar. oil, a prostitute. কুলতৱ, El SOl. GF7 so, one who disgraces his assis, being sufficient, enough. zooso, the head of a family. ੋਟੀ, a reputable woman, a wo good family. [family. Ezizs, a virtuous and good wife. ogos, a burglar. zool, a winnowing-fan. goatsis), a person employed to marriages and consequently well versed in the pedigree and character of the different families. [cient. zs=ita, being supplied, being sufliকলানীয়, superintendent, manager. assitz, a bird's nest. ਾਂ, a potter. কুলাহক, a lizard, a chameleon. E. 5 কুহ

  • fa***, the sparrow. *zita, of noble descent. কুলীনস, water. Fotos, a crab ; Cancer. *s*f, a padlock, lock.

zis, sin, guilt. stāsts, rice-gruel. oil, a winnowing-fan ; bone. oil, a canal, a drain. o, gravel, gravel-stones. of , oo, gargling the mouth. o, a sacred grass. o, hewing timber, hacking. *T*s, a drinking vessel. o, welfare, talent. **Too, a monkey. gertzia, a Brahman’s hassock. কুশী, a libation-spoon. [interest. কুশীদ, কুসীদ, usury, lending at gertzi, evil-disposed, spiteful. *itaz, an actor. gosz, a granary, a cupboard. o, a monkey; the fire; the sun. Es, leprosy. ois, a kind of pumpkin; womb. *** ETT, prejudice. [uterus. ETT, a flower; themenstrual flux, কুসুমাল, a thief, o, the earth-worm. কুসৃতি , trick, sorcery. ***, a bal dream, nightmare. & Sorcery, juggling; a cheat. ssa, spiteiul; the snake.