বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৭৪

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

কৃণু 66 o, a cavity, the ear-hole; sound. 4:3, new moon; cuckoo's note. কহেড়িকা, Koso, a mist, a fog, a £5, the female breast. -[haze. £fso, a painting-brush. £füo, the chirping of a bird. £5, untruth, illusion; a trap; a peak; heap; a water jar. [hair. £5.5, a ploughshare; a braid of füsz, a deer-trap, snare, net. £33, uniform, unchangeable. £5 fossos, an upper room, attic. £51%, ambiguity, fiction. $51, a wall. £ofit, a bag, satchel, wallet. £of, a well, a hole. £oso, a mast, a stake in the #°İT#, horripilation. [ground. FN, a tank. কুর, food, boiled rice. কুচ, space between the eyebrows. কুচিক , thickened milk; a brush. $KR, amusement, play, jumping. £offs, the elbow, the knee. Foo, a tortoise, turtle. o, shore, bank; mound. £io, an ant-hill. &#35, a whirl-pool, an eddy. £ol, a mist, a fog. #3, the neck. Foiszi, a lizard, a chameleon. Foo, difficulty, pain, penance. ব? a painter. কৃশ 55, done, made, effected. #5&#1, successful, skilful [nate. Fotos, oi, successful, fortu$53, ungrateful, unthankful. 5.53, grateful, thankful. কৃতদার, married. v7İzi, a slave. কৃতপুঙ্খ, an archer. # Tofi, with the hands joined. FETS, death; Yama; a conclusion. 551-3T3, guilty, criminal. কৃতাৰ্থ, successful, prosperous. কৃতালয় a frog. কৃতি, an act, action, deed. #so, talent, ability, cleverness. #5t, learned, accomplished, clever. #3, torn, shorn. [a motive. 551, duty, what ought to be done; কৃত্রিম, artificial, fictitious. #so, the whole, all, entire. ȘTF, a barn, a granary. joia, stingy, miserly, mean. oil, mercy, pity, compassion. §oito, a sword, a dagger. Fossos, merciful, compassionate. gotia, the belly; the water; wood, #so, a loom. #f7, a worm, an insect. Ffrēt, the lac. *I, lean, thin, emaciated. কুশলী, the hair. কৃণা,নু কৃষাণু fire. *Tot, an actor. -