বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৮৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

গৰ্ত্ত 5#fe, deep-rooted; a tree. s:Ti:", a palisade, paling. 5r£tf«rai, lac, the sealing-wax. of Tl, self-importance, pride. offo, off. Isa, highly important. sistol, weighty, very important. sig, an ox, a cow; a simpleton. ofog, fabulous bird of Vishnu. osos, a wing, feather. sTFITTI, winged, feathered. sofa, anger, wrath, fury; the gurgling of water. stofft, a churning vessel, small jar, pitcher, jug. [ing. $rgía, roaring, growling, bellowSTEEff, a carrot. offgo, rolling of thunder; an elephant in rut. ors, hole in the ground, cave. offgol, a weaver's shop. soft, an ass, a donkey. szín, greedy, covetous. srst, arrogance, self-sufficiency. 5īājū, a porter, a doorkeeper. rf TS, arrogant, haughty. sig, an embryo; the womb; the bed of a river. 534, a chaplet of flowers worn in the hair; two nights. 5 gossa, the pestiles of a flower. SIÉggs, abortive; untimely birth. 53 WIH, son of a female slave. orgososol, conception in the womb. 80 aালি 5Γζζ, a protuberance round a pro minent naval. 53 offs, miscarriage, abortion. srĝa $t, $ff#ést, pregnant. 53 asz, abortion, miscarriage. 53 fissos, the middle part of a house; lying-in chamber. of{so, a dramatic scene. [tion. গৰ্ত্তাধান, Ceremony to Secure conceps: Totzi, the womb. sfärås, eighth month of pregnancy, eight years of age from conofféât, offo át, pregnant, sception. srst, reviling, reproaching. 5ffo, despised, reviled, disgraced. 537, the neck; a ship's prow. ofäzo, the dewlap of a cow. 6fzi6f*3, goitre, wen. oioso, seizing by the throat; unavoidable evil. [out. offs, melting, dissolving, oozing o, the peacock. 5fGSF, hoarseness. of 3:51, the uvula. ofāśāt, a she-goat. of:Too, seizing by the throat. গলহী, গ£f*, a ship's prow. ofoil, the neck, throat. offs, worn out, putrid, rotten. sfātīt, a halter, neck-rope, noose. sist, a lane, narrow passage; a vicious bull. offo, melted, dissolved.