বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৮৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

研颌 81 sfä, a precious stone. [over-ripe. গলগলিয়া, garrulous, talkative; soot, chitehat, idle talk, palaver. *), the cheek. osso, a drinking vessel. ossil, a sheat, wisp, bundle. ossitz, binding in sheaves. sozzo, a drinking vessel. sfossils, glowing with rage, be coming hot. stoo, a thicket; impervious. stool, an ornament, a trinket. stol, scos, deep, profound. so Ät, delay, procrastination. $f=gg, a hole, cave, den. srl, the body, a surface. 5ssion, a songster, singer. strēzi, srīfā, abusive language. গাঈ, 3. COW. sign, singing, chanting, reciting. 5T got, wages for singing. 51*, a river, a stream of water. oil, a village, a hamlet. #, a tribe, class, lineage. issio, offs, a knot, joint, package. sissiosol, a pickpocket, cutpurse. sign, foaming, frothing up. sign, hemp-tops for smoking. sitfsial, a wallet, a purse. sitol, listening in private. isogi, the ceremony of tying the cloth of the bride and bride groom together. G sffņi sitof, a bundle, package, bale. 5|Toso, charm to check the progres of poison in the body. Širsta, deceitful ; a knave. siss, an iron crowbar. [ranging. sitors, constructing, building, arsitoff, threading, arranging. 51*sūl, horripilation. 5II*Iril, miscarriage, abortion. stos.st, a small jar, pitcher. 51st, a kind of parrot. și IC3 g, gold; a sort of grass; per taining to Ganges. 5TTE, a tree, a plant, a shrub 5ITZool, vegetables, vegetation TETz, shooting up, climbing, cultivating. ossosol, expert at climbing trees. *Toon, climbing trees, inhabiting trees. of Isis, penance by self-torture in honour of Shiva. 5ITSios, a carrot. 5T, a mine, pit, hole; to bury, fix in the ground. SITETT,burying, fixingintheground. STEZI, SITESH, a sheep, a ram. *ITÉl, cart, wagon, carriage. গাড়, humpbaeked ; a wen ; a vessel with a spout. 5ft, dense, inspissated, crowded. গাঢ় মুষ্টি, 8. seymitar; close-fisted. 5IITs, a cave, dark glen; coarse.