বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৯৫

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

গুস্থ costato, a kind of monkey. csstätz, disturbing, agitating; divulging, babbling, revealing. csstätzi, a fungus, toadstool. csstoso, Krishna's paradise. coso, flock, held; cow-pen, cow pasture. csso, family, clan, race; assembly. csstow, a cow's footmarks. গোস, গোসঙ্গ, গোসগ, dawn, day¢sITH?í, the guana. [break. গোস্তনী, a grape. csstatar, a cowhouse. comfoor, the heels. csňfạzs, a goldsmith. costs, the central part of Bengal lying north of the Ganges; rum or spirit distilled from molasses. cot, rum made from molasses. cssis, subordinate; delay. cssta, of fair complexion, pale, saffron ; the moon. çsirgsz, honour, glory, grandeur. costo, white-bodied, fair. cost, a girl eight years old; a name of Parvotee. csifă 5, the talc mineral. [linga. csstätzig, lower stone of the Shiva csstä), sweet, palatable. orso, arranged, strung, built. SIĘ, a book, volume. [a necklace. st F, a builder, writer, thread of o, stringing together. 87 গ্রীম offs, a joint, knuckle, knot; 5rf was, astrologer. Irheumatism. 했 ন্তিত, strung, arranged; written, composed. [involved. ofo, swallowed, seized, overcome, 3ΓέΤζ, setting of thesum or moon, eclipsed. [the understanding. o, accepting, seizing; a planet o, accepting, seizing; an eclipse; comprehension, conception. গ্ৰহণী, dysentery, flux, diarrhoea. oatofo, planetary nebulae. sixtoft, the moon. গ্রহপতি, the sun. of ostol, evil influence of a planet. otol, a recipient, receiver. RTT, a mountain; a cloud. গ্রাম, a village, a hamlet. assot, village chief, barber; a assor, a market. [strumpet. 5TsU, domesticatel, rustic. গ্রাম্যভাষা, a brogue. assos, a swallowing; a mouthful. *Trisofors, food and raiment. গ্রাহ, acceptance; a shark. osso, a receiver, purchaser; a hawk, a falcon. osso), acceptable, accepting. oston, the neck, nape of the neck. গ্রীবী, a camel. ots-, heat, sultry weather ostosi, the torrid zone.