বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৯৬

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

হাণ্টা । gif, langotır, depression, depreci ation; a censure. হা । হাট, a jug, a pitcher, a waterpot. *sūzo, negotiator of marriages. glūzīfā, office or fee of a negotiator of marriages. [falling. *sūz, happening, occurring, be*sūrū, occurrence, event, accident. zs51, a crowd, ado, parade, pomp. †Titoi, a cover for furnitures to protect them from injury, tilt. zȚfĒZE, the buttocks, the rump. oftāl, a period of twenty-four migiffs, occurred, relating to. [nutes. o, a small water-jar; a clock, a watch. [water out of a well. *Torosz, a machine for drawing xij, a wharf, stairs by which persons ascend from or descend to a river or tank. *sūt, a private wharf, a small ghat. org1, a water-jar, a brass pitcher. *Ifgså, an alligator, guana; a bell-man. Frät, a clock, watch; an hour. zTg.Tyra, gurgling, purring. TETfE, death-rattle; purringZIETfgzil, a hyena. #35, a curry of vegetables. **śl, a bell; an hour. [lage. T-51-2, highway through a vil 88 হাহা । ·zif:5z51, the epiglottis, uvtıla; a small bell zo, a small bell. Ljesty. ঘণ্ট, a string of bells; glory, maETT, a cloud; thick, dense; a metallic plate on which the hours are struck. *Too F, a hailstone. *TRoss, the rainy season. *T*TR, incessantly, rapidly. ঘননাভি, smoke. *Tostão, the peacock. *Tafāāl, the lightning. *Tsoi, a cube-root. *T-Toss, solid, close; vicious; a rutting elephant; a cloud of rain; collision. ATTR, coming near, overtaking. *Too, thickened by boiling. ofo, very near, close at hand. *Tit, a bamboo fish-trap. KTERII, a paramour, pimp. Tosol, being nonplussed, being confounded. ===Tät, discomposure, perplexity. *Tos, a house, dwelling. *Toszää1, household affairs. zIzrüş, a mill, a machine. gāt, a wife, female housekeeper. ††1, receptacle, hole, drawer. zost it, a builder of huts, a thatcher. gozil, domestic, home-made. [owl. *Toso, the rattling of wheels; an