বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:বাঙ্গালা ও ইংরাজী অভিধান (গোপীকৃষ্ণ মিত্র).djvu/৯৭

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

স্থার zrzí, perspiration, sweat. *Torfasol, prickly heat. ***, rubbing, cleaning, polishing. *Issoi, a wooden or stone roller to pulverize substances. ofa, powder of dry cowdung. 1, a knock, cut, gash, wound. *Too, a fault, flaw, defect; less. *Isswortfo, less or more. issa, the stirring up of a fluid, kneading. [blows, exciting. jūsa, stirring, rousing up by #ifs, an ambush, private road. iso, god of the itch. issa, affecting the heart, moving. *I5ft, hardened by flogging (ap plied to women.) *Tool, girdle of bells; petticoat. *Iss, wharf, mountain-pass. *Two, falling short, being deficient. *Tössors, smuggling. of 51, back of the neck; a sore. *TT, the back of the neck. *Isoso, assent by a nod. *To, a knock, blow, wound; power. *Isozo, a killer, executioner. ETTE Hz, malleable. ¥ITETCzī*t, involution. FITGE, murderous, cruel. *Its, an oil-mill. FİN, perspiration, sweat. *ITNTss, prickly heat. *II;[, sprimkling, irrigation. 80 எதி: -

  • Tarotor, by signs, by inuendoes. offo, a sore, ulcer, wound, cut. zITr, grass, hay. offo, the fire. fn, ghee, clarified butter. farfog, fagfors, dense, impervious. fx-fxs. disgust. frr:II, oily, buttery, greasy. foss, hedging round; fencing in. দুটি, a small fragment of brick or gravel used to move about in games of chance; hairs left uncut in shaving ; pill, pellet, nodule. [fuel. ঘুটিয়া, dried cowdung used for *H, a dove, wood-pigeon. *Iosi, a mole-cricket. **{{s, a girdle of small bells. #57, giving way; releasing, de

stroying. $15Tr, removing, disclosing; re scinding, cancelling. *sū, the ankle; a kind of jujube. #5×ess, confusion, disorder. o, the ankle; a chess-pawn. o, surrounding, fencing in. ঘুড়ী, a paper kite; a mare. **, a kind of woodlouse. Hari, digging, grubbing. **To, a hint; without pains. ঘুণী, a bamboo fish-trap. ঘুণ সুগনি, buzzing, growling. §§t, a button; suall bell.