বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:ভারতীয় গ্রন্থাবলী - প্রথম খণ্ড (রাজেন্দ্রনাথ দত্ত).pdf/৫৮

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

8* CT, *TCSr *lVIi

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<?r, « ^<$3 <*** <*?^ 's «t?t- fttti «Jtsrf?t^ faft-g ’rtwm irftrfcf i « ^forl ^jgfts ^ftcw c*r, cnuft «ttft vtfn^ta stt^, 'sj^pr ( 'bv- ) i ntc^STtn ftat ftft«ft«ft?af3[ Sftw ’tfawtlt ftftKTtftt*T*, frl SfftRft spf’f- C®3 flft vst^tir et^s «wi ft^T I '5^'TT *Ttt ^«i« f%*r i <^c*i c«r k«r wt<*i s^r®, ^rftrf- ifft samara ftro*i fewj® ftnfst i “ An extraordinary discovery has been made of a press in India. 'srfairl When Warren Hastings was Governor-General of it He observed that in the district of Benares, a little below the surface of the earth, is to be found a stratum of a kind of fibrous wooly substance of various thickness, in Horizontal layers. Major Roehock informed of this, went out to a spot where an excavation had been made, displaying this singular phenomenon. In digging somewhat deeper for the purpose of further research, they laid open a vault, which on further dS# mination, proved to be of some size, and to their astonishment they found a kind of printing press set up in a^vault and mov- abilities places as if ready for printing. Every enquiry was set on foot to ascertain the probable period* at jcvhich such an instrument could have been placed there, for it was evidently { 5 « I *>* ) • ft