বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:ভারতীয় গ্রন্থাবলী - প্রথম খণ্ড (রাজেন্দ্রনাথ দত্ত).pdf/৫৯

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

not of modern origin, and from all the Major could collect, it appears probable that the press had remained there in the state in which it was found, for at least one thonsand years, we believe the w<$rthy Major on his return to England, presented one of the learned associations with a memoir containing many curious speculations on the subject. Gentlemen’s journal, dated 1st March 1870, London. C*T, ^3ftTOf59 <2tS*FT fin i nfbtfsul 4> fa s Ho nw fafal i fas cn sfat<r wtmlrftfan fan, cn fare* ntnn nTfatst^ ni i 5l^ n^n fw^srl ^firatfamn i fon artftn , 'stn fans, ^tensr enfare ml m i mtfatfen ertn wffa-5 fanl sl- ¥itf fa m, fan? n^f nts i fasfatns ntifa, Ttni, 'nn^fs, s 'srfam n? ns^r nf <srlfa- T* slirftw i nf^nl, mnfa'i, ij^Wn'n, cn^f- nt^N er^fa str^<r nfa 5 ^f%n m. ’JfVft ® sfnc®^ erts n^fffa «?tfal nfaftra i n'sm ^n'an'fa fascia? 'ntfa'® ^«rl i2l«ftn ^facsti i mat sterns < n^nt«r mft nrfirai |^wt% nfa^ nfarnfaenn ( " nfa c^t ( )

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) Wouldst thou the young year*e blossoms. And the fruits of its decline. And all by which the soul is charmed, Enraptured, feasted, fed ? Wouldst tfiou the earth and heaven itself, in one sole name combine ? I name thefe, O nfa’fa w fa«rrfntn?r «tntn

Sakoontala* n?wm

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