বিষয়বস্তুতে চলুন

পাতা:মহারাজ রাজবল্লভ সেন ও তৎসমকালবর্ত্তী বাঙ্গলার ইতিহাসের স্থূল স্থূল বিবরণ.djvu/২৮২

উইকিসংকলন থেকে
এই পাতাটির মুদ্রণ সংশোধন করা প্রয়োজন।

পরিশিষ্ট ক TO WILLIAM DOUGLAS Esqr., Collector of Dacca, Jallalpore. SIR, I was duly favoured with your letter of the 22nd ultimo, communicating the orders of the Board of Revenue, relating to the two petitions presented at the Khalsa by Kebal Kissen and Raj Narayan, and on the one forwarded in my answer to them from the three surviving widows of Rajballab claiming a maintenance from the estate. 2. The Zemindars, not possessing any other means for the discharge of the balance of stipend to the two former on account of 1 196 B. S., amounting as per account adjusted by me to Rs. 1707, I have, in obedience to the orders of the l;oard, paid it to the parties from their Moshora, and the collections being continued Khas in consequence of the Zeminders having declined the offers made them by the Board, I shall, in obcdience to their further orders, discharge the stipend due to the claimants both for 1197 and 1 198, from the Moshora recoverable by the parties for the current year, and, after the division of the Zemindary, they have unanimously agreed to provide for the payment of it by joint contribution in money, in preference to the appropriation of land for the purpose, cach partner engaging to pay his portion of it monthly. 3. From the enquiry which I found it necessary to make to give the information, required by the Board, relative to the provision that has been made to the three widows of Rajballab, since the discontinuation of the allowance paid to them by Mr. Day, it appears that the annual allowance amounting to Rs. 7262, was ordered by him from the commencement of the